Hello everyone, I've been struggling on making a ROS catkin package as a example with python scripts in it that I would like to install somewhere (with catkin_make install). I've done many mistakes and I don't know why I need to do some stuff, but here you have a package that works as an example: https://github.com/awesomebytes/my_pkg I hope it is useful for someone else and I also would like to hear comments/add issues to it. P.S.: The ROS documentation right now about this looks unstable. Also, the sentence at: http://wiki.ros.org/rospy_tutorials/Tutorials/Makefile Saying: Remember this: The setup.py is for catkin to use, and not for users to invoke. catkin will make sure setup.py installs files to the right location. *If you invoke setup.py manually, you may break your ROS installation.* Is quite scary... -- --------------------------------------- *Sam Pfeiffer* Robotics Engineer sam.pfeiffer@pal-robotics.com Pal Robotics, S.L. c/ Pujades 77-79, 4º4ª 08005 Barcelona Spain Tel +34 93 414 53 47 Fax +34 93 209 11 09