Call For Papers: ASME 2014 International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences The 10th edition of the MSNDC (Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control) Formulations for Real-Time Simulation Symposium August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, NY Our goal in this symposium is to discuss state-of-the-art techniques for real-time or faster multibody dynamics simulations for articulated robotic and biomechanical systems. As demonstrated by the popularity of simulation-based competitions, from RoboCup to the recent DARPA-sponsored Virtual Robotics Challenge, there is a clear need for fast and accurate real-time simulation of complex systems. We welcome papers that discuss any of the following topics, as well as related areas of study: * Trade-offs between simulation performance and accuracy, * Multi-fidelity modeling and simulation, * Simulation as an iterative design tool for creating robots and robotic devices, * Simulation for robot software development, regression testing and continuous integration, * Simulation tools for robot user interface design and testing, * Simulation for robotic teleoperation (user-in-the-loop) interface training, * Simulation driven predictive robotic control, * Simulation driven real-time controller development and * Hardware-in-the-loop simulation. Please follow instructions below to submit your paper online: 1. Visit register for conference if you have not done so aready. 2. Select Conference: "10th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC)". 3. Select Topic: "MSNDC-3 Formulations for Real-Time Simulation". 4. Follow instructions on page to complete submission. Paper abstracts are due by January 13, 2014. Full papers are due by January 27, 2014. Note that for the MSNDC conference, abstract-only submissions are also possible. -John