Dear MoveIt! users, We are looking for movies and pictures of robots and projects running MoveIt! for the wiki/website. This is an opportunity to share your work with the rest of the MoveIt! and ROS community and let other people see all the cool work you are doing. If you have movies, pictures, demos of your robots running MoveIt! and are willing to share them publicly, please share them with me in the following format: --------------------------------- Name of Robot: Your name: Your organization: Website for your robot/project: Movie URL: Pictures URL: Description of demo/project: --------------------------------- Please only send us links to movies and pictures of your own robots and include a Creative Commons license with your movies and pictures so that this information can be collected and put up publicly on the MoveIt! wiki/website as well as used in montages/presentations related to MoveIt! The deadline for sending me this information is: Wednesday Dec. 11, 2013. Thank you, Best Regards, Sachin ---- Sachin Chitta Associate Director Robotics Systems and Software SRI International