Hi Everyone, pr.willowgarage.com is slated to be EOL'd in the near future. We have mirrored the downloads and data directory to download.ros.org. And have setup redirects which should continue to keep links to the downloads and data directories working. The server redirect was down for a few days recently and we noticed a few build failures and test failures due to packages referencing urls on the server. If you are using anything that references pr.willowgarage.com it is recommended to upgrade. Below are commands which will help with the process that I used to successfully migrate slam_gmapping. Tully # show instances grep -rI "pr.willowgarage.com" # list files only grep -rIl "pr.willowgarage.com" # display substituted files do not modify grep -rIl "pr.willowgarage.com" * | xargs -L 1 sed "s/ pr.willowgarage.com/download.ros.org/" # replace files in place grep -rIl "pr.willowgarage.com" * | xargs -L 1 sed -i "s/ pr.willowgarage.com/download.ros.org/"