ROS 1.1 has been released. This is an **unstable** development release to test and develop features for ROS 1.2. This comes quickly on the heals of the 1.1 release yesterday due to a bug in the new service generators. It also has some other miscellaneous changes. Change list: - rosmaster : subscribers now declare topic types, though they cannot overriding existing type declarations (r8745) - rosmaster : roslib.masterapi: Added getTopicTypes() to support subscribers declaring types (r8745) - rospy : bug fix to on_shutdown() (#2536 r8746) - rospy : removed support for deprecated /time topic - rostopic : support for subscriber-declared types (uses new getTopicTypes()) Master method - roslib : Links against rt to fix linking with the gold linker - roscpp : Fixed service generators to work with concurrent builds - roscpp : Removed support for deprecated /time topic -- your friendly neighborhood ROS development team