Hi Bill,
  On the choice of git or svn they are both actively used by ROS community members.  The svn support is a little more mature since that is what we use internally here.  If you work internally with git, using it natively will likely be easier for you, since I've seen quite a few frustrations over git-svn idiosyncrasies. 

Thanks for the note about the archive search, I've opened a ticket for our sysadmin. 


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 4:40 AM, Bill Morris <morris@ee.ccny.cuny.edu> wrote:
I am working on cleaning up our code for release and trying to figure
out how best to proceed.

We use GIT internally and I'm wondering if it will be easier to just
push changes out to a SVN server or if I can just use GIT for our stack.

Are there any advantages to using SVN or GIT?

Also, search for the mailing list is broken.



ros-users mailing list

Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827