Hi Ugo,

I'm guessing this line isn't doing what you want it to:
<param name="joint_states" value="/joint_states"/>

This should probably instead be a <remap> tag, since joint_states is a topic and not a parameter.  You could also potentially get rid of this line entirely, assuming that nothing has been pushed into namespaces.  That is, "joint_states" and "/joint_states" resolve to the same name for nodes in the "/" namespace.


On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Wim Meeussen <meeussen@willowgarage.com> wrote:
> I don't understand what those 2 lines are for in the tutorial:
> <remap from="robot_description" to="different_robot_description" />
> <remap from="joint_states" to="different_joint_states" />

These two lines are optional, to make the robot state publisher read
the robot description from a different parameter, or to listen to
joint states on a different topic. But since you are using the default
names, you won't need these lines.

Your launch file looks good. If the callbackJointState is never
called, this probably means the robot state publisher is not connected
to your joint state publisher. You should try some of the ros tools to
verify which topics are connected:
 * rostopic info /joint_states  --> This will show all the nodes that
are publishing/subscribing to this topic
 * rxgraph --> This will give a graphical representation of the ros network
 * rosnode info robot_state_publisher --> This will show all topics
used by the robot state publisher
 * roswtf --> This will tell you about problems (such as unconnected
topics) in your system

Also, when you are running nodes, make sure you are running rxconsole.
Not all user feedback gets printed to the terminal and you might be
missing some useful feedback.


Wim Meeussen
Willow Garage Inc.
ros-users mailing list