I copied nav_view.xml from move_base_stage/move_base, changing the remappings to topics that exist in my system. That along with your two suggestions seem to have done the trick. There are, however, a few odd things:
-when I start up nav_view, the map takes a *really* long time to show up - on the order of 5 minutes
-once the robot gets to its goal, it spins around a lot before stopping
-nav_view seems a bit unstable - ubuntu frequently grays it out thinking it's crashed

Thanks for the help,

On 3/31/10 12:24 PM, Eitan Marder-Eppstein wrote:

The Costmap2DROS transform timeouts could be a problem if they don't taper off after startup. A bunch of warnings right as you start isn't unexpected, but if they just keep spewing that means there is likely a timing issue. Do they keep spewing constantly or more or less stop after a few seconds?

After looking at your configuration files, it seems that you're missing a pretty important line in costmap_common_params.yaml. You define a "laser_scan_sensor," but you never actually tell the navigation stack to use it. As such, you'll never see obstacles show up in the costmap. Add the following line to your costmap_common_params.yaml file:

observation_sources: laser_scan_sensor

This will tell the navigation stack that you'd like to use the laser_scan_sensor you defined.

Hopefully, adding that line should get obstacles to show up for you. However, even without that, I would've expected the robot to move when you set a goal, it would just hit stuff. Are you sure that you were sending a goal on the correct topic? In rviz, you need to make sure to set the 2D Nav Goal topic to "move_base_simple/goal." I believe that both rviz and nav_view by default send to the "goal" topic instead. If you want to use nav_view, you'll have to remap in your launch file. You can see move_base_stage/move_base/nav_view.xml for an example of this.

Oh... I think I may know why the robot doesn't move, you've defined your footprint by only 2 points. The navigation stack supports any convex polygon for a footprint and, therefore, needs at least three points to run. It also assumes that the robot is centered at (0, 0). If you want to define a square robot of the dimensions in your launch file you'll need to use the following:

footprint: [[-0.2, -0.2], [-0.2, 0.2], [0.2, 0.2], [0.2, -0.2]]

You should have received a warning about this, but I just realized that the costmap uses ROS_ASSERT where it should be using ROS_FATAL. This means that all those warnings will be compiled out when run in release mode. I've ticketed fixing this here: https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/ticket/3939

Hope this helps and let me know how things go... we'll figure it out yet,


On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Dan Lazewatsky <lazewatskyd@cse.wustl.edu> wrote:

On 3/30/10 7:55 PM, Eitan Marder-Eppstein wrote:
Hey Dan,

A few questions for ya to help figure out what's going on:

1) Have you tried using the rxconsole tool to see if any useful information is being output from the system? If so, did you see anything that seemed to be complaining or giving warnings?
rxconsole doesn't show anything that seems too concerning. The worst is a bunch of
Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: ...

2) What launch files are you running on the erratic? Are they the ones in the 2dnav_erratic package? Or different ones that you created? We used to have an erratic in-house, but we don't anymore and its been awhile since the 2dnav_erratic package has been tested. If you're running with your own configuration, could you post the files so I can take a look at them?
I've attached the launch file and config files I'm using. The config files were all setup according to this: http://www.ros.org/wiki/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup

3) Do you see any obstacles in nav_view? On second thought, rviz is a more powerful debugging tool for this kind of stuff. Have you tried using rviz to get useful debugging information (whether obstacles show up, a plan is created, etc)? You can find a tutorial on using rviz with the navigation stack here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/navigation/Tutorials/Using%20rviz%20with%20the%20Navigation%20Stack
nav_view and rviz don't show any obstacles, plan, or really anything but the map. If I'm really lucky, rviz will show the amcl particle cloud.

Ok... take a shot at answering these and we'll see if that gives a bit more insight into what's going on.

Hope all is well,


On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Dan Lazewatsky <lazewatskyd@cse.wustl.edu> wrote:
Thanks for the response Eitan -
I've created a map, and am trying to get an erratic to navigate in said map using nav_view. I set up the robot according the the nav robot setup tutorial, and when I run nav view I can see the map and set the robot's initial pose, but trying to set the goal doesn't seem to do anything. I get a printout from nav view saying "setting goal: Position(...)" but that's all.


On 3/30/10 4:31 PM, Eitan Marder-Eppstein wrote:

The wavefront package has fallen into a bit of disrepair as we favor our move_base package for autonomous navigation. If you're looking to run some autonomous navigation demos, check out the move_base_stage package instead of the 2dnav_stage package. The 2dnav_stage package will probably be removed in the near future to save people the confusion.

Hope this helps,


On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Dan Lazewatsky <lazewatskyd@cse.wustl.edu> wrote:
Hi all - I'm having some trouble using wavefront. When I try to start it I get this:
robotics@tears$ rosrun wavefront wavefront
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ros::InvalidNameException'
  what():  Using ~ names with NodeHandle methods is not allowed.  If you want to use private names with the NodeHandle interface, construct a NodeHandle using a private name as its namespace.  e.g. ros::NodeHandle nh("~");  nh.getParam("my_private_name"); (name = [~dist_eps])
/home/robotics/ros/ros/bin/rosrun: line 35: 15562 Aborted                 $exepath "$@"
Granted, I don't know what the right way to use wavefront since the documentation is a bit spotty.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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