(sorry for the first email, we sent it by accident)


We would like to write our own path planner and use it as a plugin in the move_base system, replacing the default base_global_planner.  We've tried to follow the instructions at http://www.ros.org/wiki/pluginlib, but when we check to see if our plugin is listed for the nav_core plugins with the following command:

rospack plugins --attrib=plugin nav_core

we get the following error:

[rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [erratic_player] of [wu_robots]
[rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [wavefront] of [wu_robots]
[rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [opencv_latest] of [face_detection_comparer]
[rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [nav_robot_actions] of [move_base_client]
[rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [audio_msgs] of [skype_bridge]
[rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [audio_capture] of [skype_bridge]
find: `pathfinder': No such file or directory
[rospack] warning: got non-zero exit status from executing backquote expression "ret="$(find pathfinder)/global_planner_plugin.xml" && echo $ret" in [/project/robotics/users/jim/ros/wu-ros-pkg/Jim_stuff/pathfinder/manifest.xml]
[rospack] error in backquote expansion for nav_core

Here is our class_list.cpp file:

#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include <nav_core/base_global_planner.h>
#include "global_planner.h"

PLUGINLIB_REGISTER_CLASS(GlobalPlanner, GlobalPlanner, nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner)

Here is our plugin description file:

<library path="lib/libpathfinder">
  <class name="pathfinder/GlobalPlanner" type="GlobalPlanner" base_class_type="nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner">
  This is a global planner plugin

And here is our export statement:

        <nav_core plugin="$(find pathfinder)/global_planner_plugin.xml"/>

Any ideas about what might be the problem?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.