As of 0.9 remapping arguments are resolved before they are substituted.   See

The resolveName call is unnecessary.  roscpp will do that on all topics and parameters automatically.  The API is available in case the node is doing things to topics which are not interacting with roscpp directly. 


On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Blaise Gassend <> wrote:
I'm not actually certain that those resolveNames are necessary. I added
them in early on, and thought that I had since taken them out.

> I believe it does. I probably messed this up for you a while back when
> I changed the node name logic in the driver. For compatibility, I
> publish camera/image_raw relative to the driver node name.
> By contrast, the wge100 driver publishes image_raw relative to a node
> handles set to:
>     camera_node_handle_(nh.resolveName("camera")),
>     camera_node_handle_alt_(nh.resolveName("camera_alternate")),
> This may make a difference in how remapping works. I am still trying
> to completely understand this stuff.

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Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827