I actually got it working. The problem, i think, was due to inter thread processes. I had one thread process and produce
an image, which it received from a service, and pass it to another thread containing the ROSImageTexture.(i'm still grasping
the underlying processes that occur in ROS)

I was thinking of a situation where there are 100's of markers
in the scene with unique textures. I did not want each texture receiving a constant stream of images (like how ROSImageTexture
was set up). So i just hacked ROSImageTexture to make service calls to retrieve images.

Thanks for your help

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com> wrote:

 It shows the first image it receives, but subsequent tries to change the image using the
same route to create continuous updates of the texture fails

It just does not update, instead it segs faults sometimes. I don't know where i'm crossing memory locations

Where does it crash?  I just hacked this in and it works fine.


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