Hey all,

navigation 1.1.0 has been released. This is an **unstable** development release to try out features considered for inclusion in navigation 1.2. The 1.1.0 release contains a service call for navfn that allows plans to be made via ROS, a service call to move_base that clears unknown space in the costmap, and a fix to velocity computation in the base_local_planner that could allow robots to drive a bit faster but needs testing to be sure its safe. Unless you have an immediate need for features in the 1.1 series, it is recommended that you use the 1.0 series until things stabilize with a 1.2 release.

Hope all is well,


= Change List =

= 1.1.0 - (2010-04-05) =
 * [[move_base]]
  * Added a clear_unknown_space service to move_base that allows external users to clear unknown space around the robot in the costmap.
 * [[navfn]]
  * Adding a make_plan service to navfn that allows the use of the planner via ROS.
 * [[costmap_2d]]
  * Changing ROS_ASSERT to ROS_FATAL with a std::runtime_error when checking for legal configurations.
  * Costmap2DROS is now const correct
 * [[base_local_planner]]
  * Bug fix for how velocities were being computed. This fix will make the robot a bit more aggressive in how it drives and is going into the 1.1 series for  testing.