On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 11:49 PM, Osiloke Emoekpere <osiloke_e@skuuled.com> wrote:
That is a much cleaner way of cross compiling ROS, thanks (even though i did not start this thread).
For my compile i ended up using bitbake to build the dependencies (apr, log4cxx, boost) and then did the
gumros way but i'll be using your technique from now on.

Thanks, although it is still a work in progress. I think some steps are missing, but still it is a good start.

I will complete the how-to when my exams are done so probably next week! Anyway, i'll send an email to the ros-users ML when everything will be set up and working (also i will edit the current ROS cross-compilation wiki article).


Benjamin Vanheuverzwijn

Google Talk/Jabber - bvanheu@gmail.com