On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Patrick Bouffard <patrick.m.bouffard@gmail.com> wrote:
A few rviz questions:

I'm wondering if there is a hack that would enable one to draw
HUD-like items over the rviz 3D display. The most simple case would be
simply text but 2-d vector graphics (or even bitmaps) would be useful

There's no way of doing that right now, no.  Feel free to file a feature request: https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/newticket?component=visualization&type=enhancement&visualization

Also, is there some way to define a View that is not static relative
to the world, i.e. one that is attached to a particular frame in the
transform tree?

This is exactly what the (badly named) "Target Frame" does: http://www.ros.org/wiki/rviz/UserGuide#Coordinate_Frames.  The target frame is saved as part of the view.

Finally, can anyone suggest a method for converting meshes created in
(or imported into) Blender3D, to ones that can be used in rviz?

You can export them as either STL binary files or use the Ogre .mesh exporter.  I think this is included in blender but I'm not sure.

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