Generating the clock message from the original carmen logs sounds like the right thing to do in this case.  The very old messages will be tossed out on receipt in the costmap_2d tf::MessageFilters because they are way out of date. 

To publish time it's simpy a roslib/Clock message on the /clock topic it's documented at http://www.ros.org/wiki/Clock 


On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Daniel Maier <maierd@informatik.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 19:26:17 +0200, Tully Foote <tfoote@willowgarage.com>

> Dan,
> I think your problem can be solved by settting the parameter
> /use_sim_time
> to true.  This will make ros::Time::now() return simulation time as
> broadcast by the bag file or stageros or gazebo on the /clock topic,
> instead
> of the system time.  For more info see http://www.ros.org/wiki/Clock
> Tully

Hi Tully,

I already set /use_sim_time in my launch file to true and "rosparam get
/use_sim_time" returns true. So this did not help.
However, this lead me to finding a stupid mistake I made:

What I have is carmen logfile I playback using the carmen module
I created a ros node (carmen_ros_proxy) which subscribes to carmen
messages and republishes them as ros messages keeping the original carmen
I then recorded a bag file by calling rosbag -a containing my republished
sensor readings.
However, this bagfile does only record the clock at the time I
played the messages back but not the clock at the time the messages where
originally sent (of course).
I tried playing back the carmen log file and calling the costmap node
while running carmen_ros_proxy. Now I get no warnings but also no laser
So I guess I need to publish the /clock message (how?) in my
carmen_ros_proxy or something like that?

Sorry for the confusion,