Hi Everyone,

1) I am trying to create my own world file for Gazebo but when I launch my world it gives an error that the "Image is not grayscale". I created a simple image in paint with a white background and a path with black color. I tried using different colors as well but I get the same error each time. Can you suggest what might be the problem ?

2) I am trying to run my controller code on the simplecar.model but the problem is the car does not move. My code works for the pr2 robot (pr2_simulator). I am able to spawn the object in the Gazebo simulator. I get the following message when I spawn the object -:
core service [/rosout] found
process[spawn_simplecar-1]: started with pid [3814]
[ INFO] 37.267000000: waiting for gazebo factory, usually launched by 'roslaunch `rospack find gazebo`/launch/empty_world.launch'
[spawn_simplecar-1] process has finished cleanly.
log file: /home/stk/.ros/log/8f48d09e-57c6-11df-91b7-0024e82035d7/spawn_simplecar-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
Is this an error code ? I wasn't sure because the object is still getting spawned in the simulator.

