Hi John

Thanks for the quick reply.

1) Yes, I am using heightmap. What should I use to use color image for the world ?

2) No I did not hit Ctrl+C. For running the pr2 robot, I first run the roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch  then on another terminal 
roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2.launch
then on another terminal I run my C++ controller code( which basically sends velocity commands by publishing to the specific topic).
This works great.

But for the simplecar.model when I launch...it gives the specific message I sent in the earlier email and then by itself it return to the command prompt ( this does not happen when running pr2). heres the following content of my simplecar.launch

<param name="simplecar" textfile="$(find gazebo_worlds)/objects/simplecar.model" />

  <!-- push urdf to factory and spawn robot in gazebo -->
  <node name="spawn_simplecar" pkg="gazebo_tools" type="gazebo_model" args="-p simplecar -x -5.5 -y -3.5 -z 1  -R 0 -P 0 -Y 0 spawn simplecar" respawn="false" output="screen" />



On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:23 PM, John Hsu <johnhsu@willowgarage.com> wrote:
Hi Pratyush,

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 7:04 PM, pratyush jalan <pratyush.jalan@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

1) I am trying to create my own world file for Gazebo but when I launch my world it gives an error that the "Image is not grayscale". I created a simple image in paint with a white background and a path with black color. I tried using different colors as well but I get the same error each time. Can you suggest what might be the problem ?

Please clarify the context... are you trying to use a heightmap?  If so, the image needs to be saved as a grayscale image (single channel).  Note that this is not the same as using a color image (multiple channels) with black and white colors.

2) I am trying to run my controller code on the simplecar.model but the problem is the car does not move.

are you using the pr2 mechanism controller stack?  If possible, please post relevant world/model/launch files, to help with the debugging process.
My code works for the pr2 robot (pr2_simulator). I am able to spawn the object in the Gazebo simulator. I get the following message when I spawn the object -:
core service [/rosout] found
process[spawn_simplecar-1]: started with pid [3814]
[ INFO] 37.267000000: waiting for gazebo factory, usually launched by 'roslaunch `rospack find gazebo`/launch/empty_world.launch'
[spawn_simplecar-1] process has finished cleanly.

log file: /home/stk/.ros/log/8f48d09e-57c6-11df-91b7-0024e82035d7/spawn_simplecar-1*.log

looks fine so far...  Did you hit ctrl-c here?

all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

Is this an error code ? I wasn't sure because the object is still getting spawned in the simulator.



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