Hi Andreas,
A simple example can be found here:

roslaunch pr2_examples_gazebo single_link.launch
roslaunch pr2_controller_manager controller_manager.launch

then you can see your link in rviz

rosrun rviz rviz

Set fixed and target frames to /world and try sending a command to the controller by

rostopic pub /test_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 0.1

you should see the link approach target joint position in gazebo and in rviz.

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Andreas Vogt <andreas.vogt@dfki.de> wrote:

Can anyone give me a short example (with one or two joints) how to use URDF together with gazebo?
There are a lot of examples for the pr2 robot but no example how to start with a simple and small system from the scratch.
I have a robot description in xml. I did all the parse and checking stuff described in the tutorials. But now I want to read and write angles to these joints which are described in the XML file and want to see the movements in the simulation. How can I do that?

Thanxs for any help

I spawn the XML model of the robot sucessfully into gazebo but when I start rviz all the tf's are missing.

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