In your example, im_left is owned by left_bridge and should not be released. However any images you create yourself do need to be released. The memory leak is from not releasing "test".

The original OpenCV C API works with IplImage's. The new C++ API cv::Mat is easier to use and avoids having to release memory manually.

cv_bridge only uses IplImage because it predates the OpenCV C++ API. The next revision of cv_bridge will likely use cv::Mat, precisely to avoid this sort of confusion.


On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 4:54 PM, chriss lei <> wrote:

Hello Radu,

I'm well aware of using cvReleaseImage..
Memory leak happens even if I use a single function on IplImage converted
from sensor_msgs.
Here's my callback function to illustrate. Usage of cvCopy here introduces
memory blowup problem.

void callback(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr& info,
                           const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& left,
                           const stereo_msgs::DisparityImageConstPtr& disparity_msg)

               im_left = left_bridge.imgMsgToCv(left, "passthrough");

               disp_bridge.fromImage(disparity_msg->image, "passthrough");
               dispImg = disp_bridge.toIpl();

               cvShowImage("left", im_left);

               IplImage* test = NULL;
               test = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(dispImg), dispImg->depth, 1);
               cvCopy(dispImg, test);
               cvShowImage("disp", test);

Also, I'm not supposed to deallocate any IplImages that are converted from
sensor_msgs as described in cvBridge tutorial.
Is there a way to use opencv functions on IplImages and not use cv::Mat ?

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