this was my original question

i tried to install ros in my college(which runs debian). but there is a proxy problem installing it. so i contacted the system administrator and they tried to install it using several methods but still the proxy problem exists.
so they suggested that i download the package in my home and install it in campus without going online.  i have already installed ros in my house(which runs ubuntu 10.04) using the precompiled binaries method(of ubuntu 9.10).so i don't want this new ros download to interfere with the original ros. and i'll delete this new ros once its copied to my usb. so could u give the step by step procedure how to download ROS and the commands to install it offline. please help.

a few suggestions

by Miguel Prada
>        1. install using svn method
>        (
  ) and  follow till step 1.2.
>        2. then copy the directory of the source code to usb  drive
>        3. copy the files from usb to the college pc(running debian)
>        4.  continue the steps after 1.2.
>        5.  delete the directory from my home pc.

by josh

> If you modify the rosinstall invokation to include "--nobuild", I believe it will just download the source from svn and not try to build.  You should then be able to copy the files to your usb key.  It won't affect anything outside the directory you
> specify on the command line (in the examples on that page, ~/ros).

if i follow josh advice then how can i build it in my college pc(remember i can't access net in college pc. so everything suggested must be done offline)

thanks all of u for answering. i just posted my original message for further clarity. so awaiting the method that will work.