I'm interested in the common gps message, too. The messages in here look excellent to me:


And I'd find useful a standard GPSWaypoint also.

As a new user of ROS, I'm finding it a bit overwhelming trying to know how to use the gps_common message that's been proposed above. I've cloned umd-ros-pkg, and I've found the gps_common package in the gps_umd stack... but there's also the two relevant messages separately appearing in the gpsd stack, independent of the gps_common packaging.

Should I just be copying the two files from msg to my own project/msg directory, or should I be trying to place the gps_common package in some centrally-located area, and creating a dependency on it? (How?)

Sorry to be such a noob about this, but I find the documentation regarding project/directory structure a little confusing.

Mike Purvis

On 25 May 2010 11:27, Bill Morris <morris@ee.ccny.cuny.edu> wrote:
On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 17:10 +0200, Markus Achtelik wrote:
> I think, unfortunately except for the magnetic compass, attitude,
> acceleration and angular rates are already covered by the imu- message
> in sensor_msgs. As imu readings usually arrive/are needed at a higher
> rate than gps, one would send duplicates of the GPS measurements and it
> would be harder to determine a "real" new GPS measurement.

I think the GPS message should only have data derived from the GPS
sensor to prevent confusion.

This reminds me of a debate we were having in the lab. Should there be a
Pose1D message for the altitude information returned by an altimeter or
should it send a PoseWithCovariance message and use the covariance to
mask out the unused portions.

Also is there a reason the Odometry message does not contain
acceleration information?

Does the navigation stack seem like a reasonable place to put the code
for calculations?

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