
I'm no expert but from a quick search on I was able to come up with some answers to your first 2 questions.

1) Is it possible to set-up a development environment in an IDE (ideally Netbeans) so that the IDE understands the code, the dependencies, and whatever else it needs. I want to be able to click to the buttons "compile" and "run" just like a Java project, for example. (I imagine that the "compile" button would have to call "rosmake" and the "run" button would have to call "rosrun".)

Check this out: 

2) Where is the documentation for RVIZ?

User guide:

Code API:

Someone will have to answer your last 2 questions but I think that the system dependency problem for rviz stems from the fact that you are running Lucid and maybe the system deps for rviz haven't been listed for Lucid yet..(?) but I think it compiles on Lucid so someone else will have to answer that further.

good luck,
-- ben

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 1:40 AM, Benoit Larochelle <> wrote:


I will try to make my questions a bit more clear.

1) Is it possible to set-up a development environment in an IDE (ideally Netbeans) so that the IDE understands the code, the dependencies, and whatever else it needs. I want to be able to click to the buttons "compile" and "run" just like a Java project, for example. (I imagine that the "compile" button would have to call "rosmake" and the "run" button would have to call "rosrun".)

2) Where is the documentation for RVIZ?

3) What is the "starting point" of RVIZ? I found that visualizer_app.cpp seems to be called pretty early.

4) How do I change the title bar of the main RVIZ window? Which file do I need to modify?

Also, created a folder where I pasted RVIZ's source code (from SVN). From Terminal, I ran rosdep install rviz, but it gave me a bunch of errors (see below). However, rosmake rviz worked perfectly. rosrun rviz rviz as well. I suspect that it does not run the code from that folder, but rather the RVIZ binaries installed on my computer. To test, I modified the OnInit() method in visualizer_app.cpp to add this:

int foo = 1 / 0;
cout << "foo";

Clearly, the compilation and runtime should have failed. But, rosmake and rosrun worked again.

Could you please shed some light on this?

Thank you,


failed to find specific version 10.04 of ubuntu within {'9.10': 'libboost1.40-all-dev', '9.04': 'libboost-date-time1.37-dev libboost-filesystem1.37-dev libboost-graph1.37-dev libboost-iostreams1.37-dev libboost-math1.37-dev libboost-program-options1.37-dev libboost-python1.37-dev libboost-regex1.37-dev libboost-serialization1.37-dev libboost-signals1.37-dev libboost-system1.37-dev libboost-test1.37-dev libboost-thread1.37-dev libboost-wave1.37-dev libboost1.37-dev', '8.04': 'if [ ! -f /opt/ros/lib/libboost_date_time-gcc42-mt*-1_37.a ] ; then\n  mkdir -p ~/ros/ros-deps\n  cd ~/ros/ros-deps\n  wget --tries=10\n  tar xzf boost_1_37_0.tar.gz\n  cd boost_1_37_0\n  ./configure --prefix=/opt/ros\n  make\n  sudo make install\nfi\n', '8.10': 'if [ ! -f /opt/ros/lib/libboost_date_time-gcc43-mt*-1_37.a ] ; then\n  mkdir -p ~/ros/ros-deps\n  cd ~/ros/ros-deps\n  wget --tries=10\n  tar xzf boost_1_37_0.tar.gz\n  cd boost_1_37_0\n  ./configure --prefix=/opt/ros\n  make\n  sudo make install\nfi\n'}
failed to find specific version 10.04 of ubuntu within {'9.10': 'liblog4cxx10-dev', '9.04': 'liblog4cxx10-dev', '8.04': 'if [ ! -f /opt/ros/lib/ ] ; then\n  mkdir -p ~/ros/ros-deps\n  cd ~/ros/ros-deps\n  wget --tries=10\n  tar xzf apache-log4cxx-0.10.0-wg_patched.tar.gz\n  cd apache-log4cxx-0.10.0\n  ./configure --prefix=/opt/ros\n  make\n  sudo make install\nfi\n', '8.10': 'if [ ! -f /opt/ros/lib/ ] ; then\n  mkdir -p ~/ros/ros-deps\n  cd ~/ros/ros-deps\n  wget --tries=10\n  tar xzf apache-log4cxx-0.10.0-wg_patched.tar.gz\n  cd apache-log4cxx-0.10.0\n  ./configure --prefix=/opt/ros\n  make\n  sudo make install\nfi\n'}
failed to find specific version 10.04 of ubuntu within {'9.10': 'libtool libltdl-dev', '9.04': 'libtool libltdl7-dev', '8.04': 'libtool libltdl3-dev', '8.10': 'libtool libltdl7-dev'}
Failed to find rosdep boost for package rviz
Failed to find rosdep log4cxx for package rviz
ERROR: ABORTING: Rosdeps [u'boost', u'log4cxx'] could not be resolved


On May 28, 2010 at 1:02 AM Josh Faust <> wrote:

> Hi Benoit,
> You build rviz the same way you build any other ROS package, with cmake/make
> or rosmake.
> Josh
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Benoit Larochelle <
>> wrote:
> >   Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm working on a large project that requires modifying RVIZ. I have thus
> > downloaded RVIZ's source code (from SVN), and I have installed Netbeans.
> > Right now, I'm trying to set-up a Netbeans project with all proper
> > sources/dependencies/misc. so that I easily develop with RVIZ. As a minimal
> > example, I would like to modify RVIZ's title bar so that it says my name.
> >
> >
> >
> > Unfortunately, I can't find any information on how to run RVIZ from source.
> > I found only a tutorial about how to make it when downloaded from binaries.
> > Has anyone ever managed to set-up a working environment for RVIZ?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> > Ben
> >
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