The wiki has been updated, please let me know if things work correctly now.  Thanks for noticing the error.

On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Eric Perko <> wrote:

You are getting that error because dynamic_map is unavailable. I
recall getting that error a few months ago while working with
slam_gmapping and I believe the tutorial is out of date. Using
rostopic list, you should be able to figure out what map slam_gmapping
is making available.

If I recall correctly, the last time I used slam_gmapping I did not
need any remapping arguments; slam_gmapping was publishing to /map, so
map:=map is redundant.

If that fixes the problem, then the tutorial is out of date. Are you
using boxturtle or latest?

- Eric

On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Prasad Dixit
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am executing a tutorial "How to build a Map using Logged Data". Till step
> 6 everything works fine but at step 7 while saving map map.pgm the process
> gets hanged.
> It shows
> rootx@rootx-laptop:~$ rosrun map_server map_saver map:=dynamic_map
> [ INFO] 1275144978.345087000: Waiting for the map
> For long period of time.
> I have downloaded a bag file from the server.
> Please help!
> -Prasad
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