Yes all those should be hidden inside the build directory.  Due to the many different languages and styles we don't have a standard target for what you're asking for. 

In terms of invoking it I would suggest just using make directly.  aka "roscd my_pkg && make dist-clean"  To reiterate above the root Makefile should always just be the call through to as Lorenz pointed out and all the build artifacts will be hidden in the build directory. 

For your two requests:

 1) we're working toward that goal, however guaranteeing that all the core ROS runtime dependencies are built and ready is what that step is doing.  Using installed versions of ROS makes that step very quick due to the ROS_NOBUILD as you suggested. 

 2) Quick answer, use a "--robust" option and it will continue.  Long answer, the --target argument is available but can't be easily generalized, for the missing/error responses you want for different build steps are potentially quite different.  And the higherarchical nature of a rosmake no longer makes sense when doing custom targets unless the whole ecosystem knows about the custom target, in which case it's no longer a custom target.  I would suggest possibly using something like "rosmake -s target_pkg --target=custom_target" which is equivilant to doing "roscd target_pkg && make custom_target"  And rosmake will take a list of packages if you have more than one, or a stack if a whole stack has a target defined. 


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Bill Morris <> wrote:
On Mon, 2010-05-31 at 16:37 -0700, Lorenz Mösenlechner wrote:
> Hi,
> calling 'cmake CMakeLists.txt' in your package directory should
> overwrite your existing Makefile with a cmake generated one. I'm not
> sure if this is what you want to do and calling cmake outside a
> dedicated build directory is not the right way to use cmake anyway.

Was there a bug at some point where
were built outside of build/ and the primary Makefile was overwritten?
It would explain things if that was not a feature and was in fact a bug.

ros-users mailing list

Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827