Yes, the invalid projection matrix in the camera info is the problem. Have you calibrated your cameras?

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Ivan Dryanovski <> wrote:

I am sending some markers to be visualized in rviz. They come out
fine. I also have a Camera display showing a video from an image
topic. The video is also coming out fine in the Camera window. I was
expecting to be able to see the markers also appear in the "Camera"
window, similar to this ROS video at around 0:20. However, I
don't see anything in the Camera window other than the images.

I have set the alpha of the camera to 0.2, and all the tf between the
world frame and camera frame is fine.

I'm getting the following error in the camera: "CameraInfo/P resulted
in an invalid position calculation (nans or infs)". I checked the
camera_info topic, and all the calibration values are set to 0. Is
that the source of the problem?


Ivan Dryanovski
ros-users mailing list