Hey all,

The visualization 1.1.1 and visualization_common 1.1.1 stacks have been released to latest.  rviz is now locked for C-turtle, with only bugfixes happening to the 1.1 series from here on out.

Highlights include:

 * New PointCloud2 display in rviz
 * New TRIANGLE_LIST marker type
 * Cloud/Scan to color transformation have been rewritten
  * Now retransforms the entire set of clouds, so changing color/options now updates the saved points immediately (only applicable with decay time > 0). 
  * No backwards compatibility for reading the min/max intensity color values from old configs, so they will have to be updated manually (open, re-set color, save).
 * Support for COLLADA mesh files. 
  * In the RobotModel display, if the mesh has a material in the COLLADA file it will override the URDF settings.

The full changelists are available:
