Could you check the version of dc1394 library? I've used libdc1394 v2.0.

Soonhac Hong

On Jun 8, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Abe Bachrach <> wrote:

when I plug in the bumblebee, there are BOTH /dev/raw1394 and /dev/video1394/0

I changed the permissions on both of them such that i have the proper permissions (I can get images off the camera using coriander, and another software package)

from digging down a little more, it seems like the driver gets stuck in the call to:
dc1394_capture_dequeue (camera_, DC1394_CAPTURE_POLICY_WAIT, &frame);
inside of the function
void Camera1394::readData(sensor_msgs::Image& image)
in dev_camera1394.cpp

the call to dc1394_capture_dequeue just never returns.


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Soonhac Hong <> wrote:
Hi Abe,

Could you check if there is /dev/raw1394 or /dev/video1394? When I pluged bumblebee2 into ubuntu hardy, raw1394 didn't exist. Thus, I used other pointgray 1394 camera for /dev/raw1394 before pluging bumblebee2. If you have a permission problem, you may use chmod. Additionally, you may check published images by using $rostopic list.

Soonhac Hong

On Jun 8, 2010, at 1:02 AM, Abe Bachrach <> wrote:

Hi Sonnhac,
Thanks for putting together the bumblebee2 plugin.

Unforutnately I've been unable to get it to publish images with my bumblee camera...

everything compiled fine, and seems to be working, however no images are published on the image channels:

when I launch the driver, the LED on the bumblee goes bright, and i get the following output:

abachrac@pinzolo:~/ros/pkgs/bumblebee2$ roslaunch bumblebee2 Bumblebee2.launch
... logging to /home/abachrac/.ros/log/3287496e-72b8-11df-97ed-00219b1e7836/roslaunch-pinzolo-5748.log

started roslaunch server http://pinzolo:52475/


 * /bumblebee2/bayer_pattern
 * /bumblebee2/video_mode
 * /bumblebee2/gain
 * /bumblebee2/shutter
 * /bumblebee2/whitebalance
 * /bumblebee2/brightness
 * /bumblebee2/fps
 * /bumblebee2/bayer_method

    bumblebee2 (bumblebee2/bumblebee2)


core service [/rosout] found
process[bumblebee2-1]: started with pid [5767]
[ INFO] [1275972976.842327391]: Reconfigure request: brightness -1, encoding , exposure -1, gain -1, shutter -1, whitebalance auto
[ INFO] [1275972976.842409323]: reconfigure level = 4294967295
[ INFO] [1275972976.849244447]: [camera] video mode: 640x480_stereo_mono, frame ID: /camera
[ INFO] [1275972977.014397825]: Found camera with GUID b09d010060d173
[ INFO] [1275972977.014474607]: No guid specified, using first camera found, GUID: b09d010060d173
[ INFO] [1275972977.020052503]: [camera] connected to device, ID: 00b09d010060d173
[ INFO] [1275972977.024681309]: [camera] Auto Brightness set
[ INFO] [1275972977.029742081]: [camera] Auto Exposure set
[ INFO] [1275972977.031864626]: [camera] Auto Gain set
[ INFO] [1275972977.033989724]: [camera] Auto Shutter set
[ INFO] [1275972977.036315836]: [camera] Auto Whitebalance set
[ INFO] [1275972977.038513379]: [camera] Encoding set to 

But then nothing happens...

any ideas?

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 11:10 AM, <> wrote:
Hi All,

I'd like to release Bumblebee2 v1.0 at If there is any doubt or
problems, feel free to contact me.

Soonhac Hong
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