As a follow-up, if you're trying to hack rviz by adding new messages to it, you need to add the messages in a separate package. rviz builds its own swig-based Python module that prevents the ROS python data classes from loading. C++ messages will work, but Python will not due to the way Python defines modules.

 - Ken

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Ken Conley <> wrote:
Hi Hao,

I'm not sure what you mean by "rostopic echo *"

Your error message is odd because there is no such message "rviz/SelectionMessage". It would be helpful if you provided more details.

 - Ken

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Hao Dang <> wrote:
Hello all,

I met a problem when I use "rostopic echo *" on a topic which I built,
ROS complained and said "Cannot load message class for
[rviz/SelectionMessage]. Are your messages built?".  But when I wrote
a dedicated listener which subscribed to this topic, I can get the
information of the published messages to this topic.  Does anybody
know why?  By the way, "rostopic list" can list the topic and
"rostopic info" can also get the information of the topic.

Thank you!

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