Hey all,

ROS 1.1.9 has been released to cturtle.  This is a bugfix release with mostly minor changes. 

There's one major thing of note here in roscpp which is that you can no longer use ros::Time::now() until one of:
 1) The first NodeHandle has been created
 2) ros::start() is explicitly called (NodeHandle usually does this for you)
 3) ros::Time::init() is called (generally should not be done -- useful for unit tests and non-node executables).

This change fixes race conditions on startup when running with simulated time.  Hopefully it doesn't cause too much pain.

The full changelist is here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/ChangeList/1.1#A1.1.9_.282010-06-15.29

 -- your friendly neighborhood ROS development team