Hello Folks,
I am looking to stream video from some of our cameras running through ROS on to the web.  Has anyone implemented a solution to take the published images, encode/compress them, and then serve them to a webpage? 
In my search, the only existing solution seems to be in Willow Garage's WebUI.  In the WebUI, they have a python threaded HTTP server which serves the movie as a motion jpeg.  The http request serves a Content type multipart/x-mixed-replace http connection and continually pushes a new jpg to the web browser every time a new image is published. 
My ideal solution would be to have a server which delivered Theora or h.264 compressed image stream that could be viewed using the html5 <video> tag.  Has anyone implemented something similar or have a suggestion about how to implement it easily? 
Thank you  for the help,
Adam Stambler