Right now the only things that are pluggable are displays and point cloud transformers (used mainly for generating color from different channels).  This makes writing plugins that interact with the scene through selection/etc. impossible to do nicely (it is possible to hack together, but only in a way that forces a crash whenever rviz exits).

That said, there are examples of an rviz plugin in the motion_planning_rviz_plugin and mapping_rviz_plugin packages.  The builtin displays are also plugins.  While the current API is likely to remain stable, writing plugins is currently use-at-your-own-risk, and figuring out how to do things will likely involve delving into the source.


On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Felix Endres <endres@informatik.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:

Hi all,

I was thinking about writing a teleop node that lets
me select one of PR2's tf-frames and move the according
joint graphically. It seems to me, making it an rviz
plugin would be the right choice, as a lot of
functionality would be given. I think this wouldn't
be too complex to implement. However, the wiki says:

> If you're a programmer and are looking to write a plugin,
> there is no documentation at this time. This is on
> purpose, as the plugin API is not considered stable,
> and so is not yet ready to be supported.

So my question is, whether it is indeed a bad idea to
make such an rviz plugin at this point in time.
Otherwise, where would I get the necessary documentation?
I am using latest, are there any plugins I could use as
a starting point?


Felix Endres                        Albert Ludwigs University
                                   Department of Computer Science
phone: +49 (761) 203-8022           Autonomous Intelligent Systems
fax  : +49 (761) 203-8007           Georges-Koehler-Allee 79
endres@informatik.uni-freiburg.de   D-79110 Freiburg, Germany
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