
The easiest way to grab their code would be do clone their git repository :

git clone git://ram.umd.edu/umd-ros-pkg.git/

Then navigate to the jpeg_streamer directory:

cd umd-ros-pkg/camera_umd/jpeg_streamer

Good luck,

Btw, its easy to find the version control url using :

roslocate svn jpeg_streamer

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 12:50 PM, <sh2723@columbia.edu> wrote:
Hello Ken Tossell and ktossell,

I'm implementing the package like jpeg-streamer. Could you share the
code? When I tried to open code, I couldn't. I'm not sure
jpeg-streamer is the exact same package which I'm implementing. If
jpeg-streamer is what I want, I just want to utilize your package.

Soonhac Hong
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