Hi Anton,

I have been rewriting drivers for Videre Stereo cameras (both regular and STOC types) to reuse existing code as much as possible, the old driver had a bunch of code that is already available in OpenCV or other ROS packages.

Glad to hear it. It would be great to have good Videre STOC support in ROS again.

E.g. I am using debayring and rectification methods from image_proc and point cloud calculation routines calculatePoints and calculatePoints2 from stereo_image_proc.

That's sensible, just bear in mind that those are internal APIs likely to change in the next major release. You can consider them stable for Boxturtle & C-turtle though.

The problem is these latter methods are marked private, is there a chance we could make these public since they don't keep any state or depend on other state variables in the StereoProcessor class and thus can be reusable?

Sure. I've made them public in trunk, r30561, so that will go out in the next patch releases.
