Hey, Austen
HARK software uploaded on http://winnie.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/HARK/ is still a developing version (The version is less than version 1.0.0) and is also quite old.
In my environment, the version on the website used to work on Fedora Core 7 and 6.
As I said, the uploaded version cannot work for the ROS hark package,
so please take care.
Newer HARK software planned to be released in this year will support Ubuntu 8.04 or later mainly, so the best way for you is to prepare Ubuntu installed on your PC and wait for the official release of HARK, I think.
(ROS also mainly supports Ubuntu, so it is efficient for you to use ROS hark package as well.)
Please wait for asking other things (like how to install? How to collaborate with ROS hark package? etc..) until the official release.
It takes much longer texts to explain without the newest HARK.
With the official release version, all the things will get much easier.
Hope you undestand.

austen hagio <hagio@usc.edu> wrote:
Hi Keisuke,

Thank you for your response. I have tried installing HARK from http://winnie.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/HARK/ but I've ran into a few problems with FlowDesigner and ManyEars. I'm still quite a novice at ROS and Ubuntu but I'd really like to get HARK up and running since I'll also be making the Microphone Array soon.

So, could you tell me what procedure did you take to install Hark so that I can duplicate your process? I was also wondering, what OS and version of that OS are you running? Also, what version and how did you install FlowDesigner, ManyEars, Multiband Julius?

Thank you for your help.

Austen S. Hagio

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 12:00 PM, <ros-users-request@code.ros.org> wrote:
Send ros-users mailing list submissions to
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To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
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You can reach the person managing the list at
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of ros-users digest..."

Today's Topics:

� 1. Re: roscore respawn problem (Michael Krainin)
� 2. C Turtle Alpha 3 now available (Ken Conley)
� 3. Hark (austen hagio)
� 4. visualization_common 1.1.2, � � � visualization 1.1.2 released to
� � �cturtle (Josh Faust)
� 5. Re: Actuating a wheeled robot URDF model in gazebo
� � �(David Feil-Seifer)
� 7. Re: exception in transform listener
� � �(Michal.Stolba@cis.strath.ac.uk)
� 8. Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in RVIZ
� � �(Benoit Larochelle)
� 9. Re: Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in RVIZ (Bill Morris)
�10. �Imace center param in vslam (hudvin)
�11. �how many points in 3D cloud? (Michal.Stolba@cis.strath.ac.uk)
�12. Re: Hark (ros_user@yahoo.co.jp)
�13. Re: exception in transform listener (Brian Gerkey)
�14. Re: how many points in 3D cloud? (Radu Bogdan Rusu)
�15. Re: exception in transform listener (Tully Foote)
�16. Re: Actuating a wheeled robot URDF model in gazebo (John Hsu)
�17. ros_realtime 0.4.0 released to cturtle (Josh Faust)
�18. Tilting Hokuyo (Sanja Popovic)
�19. Re: Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in RVIZ (Josh Faust)
�20. Re: Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in RVIZ (Rob Wheeler)
�21. Re: roscore respawn problem (Michael Krainin)
�22. Re: Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in RVIZ (Bill Morris)
�23. Re: Tilting Hokuyo (Vijay Pradeep)
�24. can't find pr2_apps? (Adam Leeper)
�25. Re: can't find pr2_apps? (Ken Conley)
�26. Re: can't find pr2_apps? (Jeremy Leibs)
�27. Re: roscore respawn problem (Josh Faust)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 13:16:55 -0700
From: Michael Krainin <mkrainin@cs.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] roscore respawn problem
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTims0Hn39fKbW7ned67WdpOwMxFLk4I_CD7ujbYN@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I'll give that a try. It may take a while since everything runs
properly most of the time.

> rosout dying shouldn't affect this unless it's somehow deadlocked those nodes... can you attach gdb to them and get traces from all their threads with "thread apply all bt"?
> Josh


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 16:25:01 -0700
From: Ken Conley <kwc@willowgarage.com>
Subject: [ros-users] C Turtle Alpha 3 now available
To: ros-users <ros-users@code.ros.org>
� � � �<AANLkTinBafXAwKOdlYRJWRvg8lfdpaWNtlnuEThtNjzn@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

C Turtle Alpha 3 is now available. The full announcement is here:


We are currently having issues building binaries for Ubuntu Karmic
64-bit, but the other binaries are now available.

�-- your friendly ROS C Turtle Team


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 17:59:33 -0700
From: austen hagio <hagio@usc.edu>
Subject: [ros-users] Hark
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTimq_nWQi_e1fO_N7JjojLKQ8xs_x0xRyNTrzQOc@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I'm interested in installing sound localization on a few robots. Is anyone
currently running hark? If so, what hardware are you using for the
microphone array?

I'm have trouble running the python files after I make the hark. How do you
run these python files?

listener.py �playerPA.py �playerPA.sh �player.py �rangePublisher.py

Thank you,

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Message: 4
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 20:55:55 -0700
From: Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com>
Subject: [ros-users] visualization_common 1.1.2, � � � �visualization 1.1.2
� � � �released to cturtle
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTincqDTOBvQKfDg9Z_H3ypkbh3utSMYbU82XP8Fh@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

These didn't make it into the alpha 3 debs unfortunately. �They're mostly
bugfix releases, but they also include a new member in the
visualization_msgs/Marker message to fix an oversight in the MESH_RESOURCE
marker, and support for it in rviz.

For more details see the changelists:
visualization: http://www.ros.org/wiki/visualization/ChangeList/1.1

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Message: 5
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 01:12:36 -0700
From: David Feil-Seifer <david.feilseifer@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Actuating a wheeled robot URDF model in
� � � �gazebo
To: ros-users <ros-users@code.ros.org>
� � � �<AANLkTikGXjYyUWsCGe6uCBxC4ZTxv63swQ17bYSKyrbv@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

OK, I tried using the erratic model, with no luck. I got the following message:

Node: /gazebo_1278058054452352000
Time: 12.532000000
Severity: Warn
Location: ros/stacks/pr2_mechanism/pr2_mechanism_model/src/robot.cpp:RobotState::RobotState:170
Published Topics: /rosout, /clock, /base_scan,
/base_pose_ground_truth, /joint_states, /mechanism_statistics

None of the joints in the robot desription matches up to a motor. The
robot is uncontrollable.

I tried adding a transmission, even though this was stated to be
pr2-only on the wiki (see attached file), and that made the above
error go away, but there was still no way to control the robot. While
it was publishing a /base_pose_ground_truth topic, there was no
subscription to anything other than /clock and /time. Is there some
other way to defined motors in urdf for gazebo?

A related question. The rear caster wheel is un-actuated. Is there any
way for that joint to be published by default to a certain angle?
Unless gazebo publishes an angle (which currently it will not without
a transmission), the links will not show up in rviz. Obviously, this
is not nearly as important, but a cosmetic issue.

Thanks in advance,

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:01 PM, John Hsu <johnhsu@willowgarage.com> wrote:
> There is an erratic model in gazebo with 2dnav stack hooked up.
> You'll need to get the unreleased wg-ros-pkg repository for this to work,
> svn co https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/trunk wg-ros-pkg-unreleased
> The package is:
> /u/johnhsu/projects/cturtle_wg_all/wg-ros-pkg-unreleased/stacks/wg_robots_gazebo/erratic_gazebo
> This is an unreleased stack, but should be in working state:
> rosmake erratic_gazebo
> roslaunch erratic_gazebo erratic_2dnav_demo.launch
> Let me know if you run into any issues.
> John
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:53 AM, David Feil-Seifer
> <david.feilseifer@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am trying to make a urdf model for the pioneer 3dx robot that can be
>> used in gazebo. The robot is a 2-wheeled diff drive robot with a singe
>> rear caster.I have the robot visualizing correctly in rviz. However, I
>> want this robot to be drivable. I am a little unclear from the wiki
>> tutorials regarding gazebo and urdf on how to accomplish this? Is the
>> GazeboRosDiffdrive node something that I could use for the pioneer as
>> well as the erratic? What information do I need to have about the
>> pioneer in order to make a urdf model work in gazebo?
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Message: 6
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 10:36:16 +0100
Subject: [ros-users] PCL package
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<OF810330C0.D6388579-ON80257754.0034C224-80257754.0034C23B@cardiff.ac.uk>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I am trainee at the Cardiff University and I am working on a 3d camera (the Swissranger 4000).
I am interesting in your PCL package, I am looking for an algorithm to
track feature points (for example: points of an arm).
Can I find this kind of alforithm? I saw there are table_object_detector but I don't know how to use it?
Thanks for your comprehension.


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Message: 7
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:42:06 +0100 (BST)
From: Michal.Stolba@cis.strath.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [ros-users] exception in transform listener
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<34017.>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-15


thanks for the reply. Gmapping is configured with <param name="odom_frame"

i'm launching this configuration:

�<include file="$(find pr2_machine)/$(env ROBOT).machine" />
�<include file="$(find hi_level_navigation)/launch/slam_gmapping.xml" />
�<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_teleop)/teleop.xml" />
�<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_perception)/lasers_and_filters.xml" />
�<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_perception)/ground_plane.xml" />
�<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_slam)/move_base.xml" />

where slam_gmapping.xml is:

� �<node pkg="gmapping" type="slam_gmapping" name="slam_gmapping"
� � �<remap from="scan" to="base_scan"/>
� � �<param name="odom_frame" value="odom_combined"/>
� � �<param name="map_update_interval" value="5.0"/>
� � �<param name="maxUrange" value="16.0"/>
� � �<param name="sigma" value="0.05"/>
� � �<param name="kernelSize" value="1"/>
� � �<param name="lstep" value="0.05"/>
� � �<param name="astep" value="0.05"/>
� � �<param name="iterations" value="5"/>
� � �<param name="lsigma" value="0.075"/>
� � �<param name="ogain" value="3.0"/>
� � �<param name="lskip" value="0"/>
� � �<param name="srr" value="0.01"/>
� � �<param name="srt" value="0.02"/>
� � �<param name="str" value="0.01"/>
� � �<param name="stt" value="0.02"/>
� � �<param name="linearUpdate" value="1.0"/>
� � �<param name="angularUpdate" value="0.436"/>
� � �<param name="temporalUpdate" value="5.0"/>
� � �<param name="resampleThreshold" value="0.5"/>
� � �<param name="particles" value="80"/>
� � �<param name="xmin" value="-50.0"/>
� � �<param name="ymin" value="-50.0"/>
� � �<param name="xmax" value="50.0"/>
� � �<param name="ymax" value="50.0"/>
� � �<param name="delta" value="0.05"/>
� � �<param name="llsamplerange" value="0.01"/>
� � �<param name="llsamplestep" value="0.01"/>
� � �<param name="lasamplerange" value="0.005"/>
� � �<param name="lasamplestep" value="0.005"/>
� �</node>

sometimes (quite rarely) the transform is received correctly.

Thanks very much,


> Perhaps gmapping is configured with odom_frame == base_footprint?
> � � � brian.
> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Wim Meeussen
> <meeussen@willowgarage.com> wrote:
>> Michal,
>>> RESULTS: for /map to /base_footprint
>>> Chain is: /map -> /base_footprint -> /odom_combined
>>> Net delay ? ? avg = 0.020768: max = 0.064
>> [...]
>>> the only weird thing is, that in rviz the transform arrows shows like
>>> this: /base_footprint -> /odom_combined -> /map
>>> might this be a sign of some problem?
>> Yes, This is most likely your problem. It appears that you have a tf
>> publisher from map to base_footprint, and another publisher from
>> odom_combined to base_footprint. So the base_footprint frame has two
>> parents. ?In our setup we have amcl publish the transform from map to
>> odom combined, and the robot pose ekf publish the transform from
>> odom_combined to base_footprint. ?What setup are you running? Did you
>> reconfigure amcl to publish a different tf transform?
>> Wim
>> --
>> Wim Meeussen
>> Willow Garage Inc.
>> <http://www.willowgarage.com)
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Message: 8
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 13:27:31 +0200
From: "Benoit Larochelle" <Benoit.Larochelle@dfki.de>
Subject: [ros-users] Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in RVIZ
To: <ros-users@code.ros.org>
Message-ID: <0184BFB73BFC478B86CC06C9CAE6CB62@MBookProBenoit>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I'm trying to set-up RVIZ so that I can view the feed from my USB camera. I am using the usb_cam package to produce the feed, but RVIZ seems to have a few problems reading it. I set-up the Fixed Frame to /head_camera, and Image Topic to /usb_cam/image_raw.

1) I get a global warning: No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [/head_camera does not exist]. I don't know exactly what transforms and frames are, I just want to see my camera image (in RVIZ).

2) In the Camera section, I get a Status Error, under CameraInfo: CameraInfo/P resulted in an invalid position calculation (nans or infs)

3) After 15 minutes or so, RVIZ crashes with the error message: /opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/bin/rosrun: line 35: 304 Killed $exepath "$@" (before lunch, I started RVIZ and image_view and when I came back RVIZ had crashed and image_view was still going)

4) The image is much darker than with the package image_view

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Message: 9
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 07:59:59 -0400
From: Bill Morris <morris@ee.ccny.cuny.edu>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in
� � � �RVIZ
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
Message-ID: <1278071999.3570.84.camel@mia>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

On Fri, 2010-07-02 at 13:27 +0200, Benoit Larochelle wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to set-up RVIZ so that I can view the feed from my USB
> camera. I am using the usb_cam package to produce the feed, but RVIZ
> seems to have a few problems reading it. I set-up the Fixed Frame
> to /head_camera, and Image Topic to /usb_cam/image_raw.
> 1) I get a global warning: No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame
> [/head_camera does not exist]. I don't know exactly what transforms
> and frames are, I just want to see my camera image (in RVIZ).

A frame is a coordinate frame, in this case the local coordinate frame
of the camera and the world coordinate frame. tf is the transform that
allows points to be mapped from one to the other.

This should explain it.

A static transform needs to be published between the world coordinate
from and the camera frame. �You also need to set the frame in rviz to be
same as the one that was set in usb_cam.
In the launch file camera_frame_id defaults to /camera.
<param name="camera_frame_id" value="/camera"/>
Rviz defaults to /head_camera which is probably confusing things.

> 2) In the Camera section, I get a Status Error, under CameraInfo:
> CameraInfo/P resulted in an invalid position calculation (nans or
> infs)

Rviz needs a calibration matrix to process the image so that other
sensor data can be displayed on top of the image. If you had a laser it
could be configured to be displayed over the image.

> 3) After 15 minutes or so, RVIZ crashes with the error
> message: /opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/bin/rosrun: line 35: 304 Killed
> $exepath "$@" (before lunch, I started RVIZ and image_view and when I
> came back RVIZ had crashed and image_view was still going)

It's hard to say why it is crashing. Try a lower frame rate to see if it
is a buffer problem.

> 4) The image is much darker than with the package image_view

This is due to the alpha setting so that you can see other sensor
information in the same window.


Message: 10
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 07:04:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: hudvin <hudvin@gmail.com>
Subject: [ros-users] �Imace center param in vslam
To: ros-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Message-ID: <1278079474924-938606.post@n3.nabble.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I can't find any description for this param.
View this message in context: http://ros-users.122217.n3.nabble.com/Imace-center-param-in-vslam-tp938606p938606.html
Sent from the ROS-Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Message: 11
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 16:04:17 +0100 (BST)
From: Michal.Stolba@cis.strath.ac.uk
Subject: [ros-users] �how many points in 3D cloud?
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<58067.>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-15


following a tutorial on laser_pipeline:

how do I know how many points are in the resulting 3D point cloud?




Message: 12
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2010 00:46:27 +0900 (JST)
From: <ros_user@yahoo.co.jp>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Hark
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
Message-ID: <20100702154628.86208.qmail@web4008.mail.ogk.yahoo.co.jp>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-2022-jp"

Hi, Austen

�I am a user of ROS hark package, and I'd like to tell you a little information.
�However, unfortunately, I have to tell you that current ROS hark package cannot work only with the files uploaded on the ROS svn.

�Firstly, the package needs another software called HARK.
�If you are interested, download the software from following website and install it on your computer.

�However, the hark network file used in the ROS package uses later version of sound source separation and localization nodes, so even if you will install the latest HARK from the website, the ROS hark package will not work.

�The newest HARK software is planned to be updated within this year, and the HARK will have all the nodes used in the ROS package, so please wait for that.
�(The software is now under consideration of its license for the official release.)

�If you will still be interested in the ROS hark package after the official release,
�please throw some questions to this mailing list.
�(about the package usage, hardware requirement etc...)

�Hope this information helps.


austen hagio <hagio@usc.edu> wrote:

I'm interested in installing sound localization on a few robots. Is anyone currently running hark? If so, what hardware are you using for the microphone array?

I'm have trouble running the python files after I make the hark. How do you run these python files?

listener.py&#65533; playerPA.py&#65533; playerPA.sh&#65533; player.py&#65533; rangePublisher.py&#65533; talker.py

Thank you,

ros-users mailing list

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Message: 13
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 09:29:37 -0700
From: Brian Gerkey <gerkey@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] exception in transform listener
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTim0vlDdTEcAnBQXmqkdc9yfmjXUoU_vf7ryzfg_@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

hi Michal,

The fact that it's only rarely received incorrectly is peculiar.
Sounds like part of the system is occasionally, or slowly, publishing
a conflicting transform. �I would log all the tf data during a run:
�rosbag record tf
Then search through the resulting bag for the problem. �Something like
this will pull out all the messages that declare a transform with
base_footprint as the child:
�rosbag filter in.bag out.bag 'topic == "tf" and
m.transforms[0].header.frame_id == "base_footprint"'
(where in.bag should be replaced by the name of bag created by the
record step). �You can examine the filtered data with rostopic:
�rostopic echo -b out.bag tf
Presumably, in that data stream, you'll see occasional conflicting
declarations of the parent of base_footprint.

� � � �brian.

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:42 AM, �<Michal.Stolba@cis.strath.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for the reply. Gmapping is configured with <param name="odom_frame"
> value="odom_combined"/>
> i'm launching this configuration:
> <launch>
> ?<include file="$(find pr2_machine)/$(env ROBOT).machine" />
> ?<include file="$(find hi_level_navigation)/launch/slam_gmapping.xml" />
> ?<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_teleop)/teleop.xml" />
> ?<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_perception)/lasers_and_filters.xml" />
> ?<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_perception)/ground_plane.xml" />
> ?<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_slam)/move_base.xml" />
> </launch>
> where slam_gmapping.xml is:
> <launch>
> ? ?<node pkg="gmapping" type="slam_gmapping" name="slam_gmapping"
> output="screen">
> ? ? ?<remap from="scan" to="base_scan"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="odom_frame" value="odom_combined"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="map_update_interval" value="5.0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="maxUrange" value="16.0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="sigma" value="0.05"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="kernelSize" value="1"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="lstep" value="0.05"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="astep" value="0.05"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="iterations" value="5"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="lsigma" value="0.075"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="ogain" value="3.0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="lskip" value="0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="srr" value="0.01"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="srt" value="0.02"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="str" value="0.01"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="stt" value="0.02"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="linearUpdate" value="1.0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="angularUpdate" value="0.436"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="temporalUpdate" value="5.0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="resampleThreshold" value="0.5"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="particles" value="80"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="xmin" value="-50.0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="ymin" value="-50.0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="xmax" value="50.0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="ymax" value="50.0"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="delta" value="0.05"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="llsamplerange" value="0.01"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="llsamplestep" value="0.01"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="lasamplerange" value="0.005"/>
> ? ? ?<param name="lasamplestep" value="0.005"/>
> ? ?</node>
> </launch>
> sometimes (quite rarely) the transform is received correctly.
> Thanks very much,
> Michal
>> Perhaps gmapping is configured with odom_frame == base_footprint?
>> ? ? ? brian.
>> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Wim Meeussen
>> <meeussen@willowgarage.com> wrote:
>>> Michal,
>>>> RESULTS: for /map to /base_footprint
>>>> Chain is: /map -> /base_footprint -> /odom_combined
>>>> Net delay ? ? avg = 0.020768: max = 0.064
>>> [...]
>>>> the only weird thing is, that in rviz the transform arrows shows like
>>>> this: /base_footprint -> /odom_combined -> /map
>>>> might this be a sign of some problem?
>>> Yes, This is most likely your problem. It appears that you have a tf
>>> publisher from map to base_footprint, and another publisher from
>>> odom_combined to base_footprint. So the base_footprint frame has two
>>> parents. ?In our setup we have amcl publish the transform from map to
>>> odom combined, and the robot pose ekf publish the transform from
>>> odom_combined to base_footprint. ?What setup are you running? Did you
>>> reconfigure amcl to publish a different tf transform?
>>> Wim
>>> --
>>> Wim Meeussen
>>> Willow Garage Inc.
>>> <http://www.willowgarage.com)
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Message: 14
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 09:32:32 -0700
From: Radu Bogdan Rusu <rusu@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] how many points in 3D cloud?
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
Message-ID: <4C2E14A0.5020009@willowgarage.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


If it's a PointCloud, points.size () should give you the number of points. If it's a PointCloud2, cloud.width *
cloud.height does the same.


On 07/02/2010 08:04 AM, Michal.Stolba@cis.strath.ac.uk wrote:
> Hi,
> following a tutorial on laser_pipeline:
> http://www.ros.org/wiki/laser_pipeline/Tutorials/IntroductionToWorkingWithLaserScannerData
> how do I know how many points are in the resulting 3D point cloud?
> Thanks,
> Michal
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> ros-users mailing list
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| Radu Bogdan Rusu | http://rbrusu.com/


Message: 15
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 10:01:36 -0700
From: Tully Foote <tfoote@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] exception in transform listener
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTiliTEg42zaxMyH5dLouDhN1vkr0MhwLbBozE59A@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I'd also suggest that you try running roswtf when things are running with
problems. �That has a tf plugin to try to help detect common problems.


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Brian Gerkey <gerkey@willowgarage.com>wrote:

> hi Michal,
> The fact that it's only rarely received incorrectly is peculiar.
> Sounds like part of the system is occasionally, or slowly, publishing
> a conflicting transform. �I would log all the tf data during a run:
> �rosbag record tf
> Then search through the resulting bag for the problem. �Something like
> this will pull out all the messages that declare a transform with
> base_footprint as the child:
> �rosbag filter in.bag out.bag 'topic == "tf" and
> m.transforms[0].header.frame_id == "base_footprint"'
> (where in.bag should be replaced by the name of bag created by the
> record step). �You can examine the filtered data with rostopic:
> �rostopic echo -b out.bag tf
> Presumably, in that data stream, you'll see occasional conflicting
> declarations of the parent of base_footprint.
> � � � �brian.
> On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:42 AM, �<Michal.Stolba@cis.strath.ac.uk> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > thanks for the reply. Gmapping is configured with <param
> name="odom_frame"
> > value="odom_combined"/>
> >
> > i'm launching this configuration:
> >
> > <launch>
> > �<include file="$(find pr2_machine)/$(env ROBOT).machine" />
> > �<include file="$(find hi_level_navigation)/launch/slam_gmapping.xml" />
> > �<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_teleop)/teleop.xml" />
> > �<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_perception)/lasers_and_filters.xml"
> />
> > �<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_perception)/ground_plane.xml" />
> > �<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_slam)/move_base.xml" />
> > </launch>
> >
> > where slam_gmapping.xml is:
> >
> > <launch>
> > � �<node pkg="gmapping" type="slam_gmapping" name="slam_gmapping"
> > output="screen">
> > � � �<remap from="scan" to="base_scan"/>
> > � � �<param name="odom_frame" value="odom_combined"/>
> > � � �<param name="map_update_interval" value="5.0"/>
> > � � �<param name="maxUrange" value="16.0"/>
> > � � �<param name="sigma" value="0.05"/>
> > � � �<param name="kernelSize" value="1"/>
> > � � �<param name="lstep" value="0.05"/>
> > � � �<param name="astep" value="0.05"/>
> > � � �<param name="iterations" value="5"/>
> > � � �<param name="lsigma" value="0.075"/>
> > � � �<param name="ogain" value="3.0"/>
> > � � �<param name="lskip" value="0"/>
> > � � �<param name="srr" value="0.01"/>
> > � � �<param name="srt" value="0.02"/>
> > � � �<param name="str" value="0.01"/>
> > � � �<param name="stt" value="0.02"/>
> > � � �<param name="linearUpdate" value="1.0"/>
> > � � �<param name="angularUpdate" value="0.436"/>
> > � � �<param name="temporalUpdate" value="5.0"/>
> > � � �<param name="resampleThreshold" value="0.5"/>
> > � � �<param name="particles" value="80"/>
> > � � �<param name="xmin" value="-50.0"/>
> > � � �<param name="ymin" value="-50.0"/>
> > � � �<param name="xmax" value="50.0"/>
> > � � �<param name="ymax" value="50.0"/>
> > � � �<param name="delta" value="0.05"/>
> > � � �<param name="llsamplerange" value="0.01"/>
> > � � �<param name="llsamplestep" value="0.01"/>
> > � � �<param name="lasamplerange" value="0.005"/>
> > � � �<param name="lasamplestep" value="0.005"/>
> > � �</node>
> > </launch>
> >
> > sometimes (quite rarely) the transform is received correctly.
> >
> > Thanks very much,
> >
> > Michal
> >
> >> Perhaps gmapping is configured with odom_frame == base_footprint?
> >>
> >> � � � brian.
> >>
> >> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 10:32 AM, Wim Meeussen
> >> <meeussen@willowgarage.com> wrote:
> >>> Michal,
> >>>
> >>>> RESULTS: for /map to /base_footprint
> >>>> Chain is: /map -> /base_footprint -> /odom_combined
> >>>> Net delay � � avg = 0.020768: max = 0.064
> >>>
> >>> [...]
> >>>
> >>>> the only weird thing is, that in rviz the transform arrows shows like
> >>>> this: /base_footprint -> /odom_combined -> /map
> >>>> might this be a sign of some problem?
> >>>
> >>> Yes, This is most likely your problem. It appears that you have a tf
> >>> publisher from map to base_footprint, and another publisher from
> >>> odom_combined to base_footprint. So the base_footprint frame has two
> >>> parents. �In our setup we have amcl publish the transform from map to
> >>> odom combined, and the robot pose ekf publish the transform from
> >>> odom_combined to base_footprint. �What setup are you running? Did you
> >>> reconfigure amcl to publish a different tf transform?
> >>>
> >>> Wim
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Wim Meeussen
> >>> Willow Garage Inc.
> >>> <http://www.willowgarage.com)
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> ros-users mailing list
> >>> ros-users@code.ros.org
> >>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
> >>>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> ros-users mailing list
> >> ros-users@code.ros.org
> >> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
> >>
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > ros-users mailing list
> > ros-users@code.ros.org
> > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
> >
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Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827
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Message: 16
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 10:13:36 -0700
From: John Hsu <johnhsu@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Actuating a wheeled robot URDF model in
� � � �gazebo
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTilrmghwCAdhDWeVw3ETMZdkmsPK2WqnELnDgRv-@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi Dave,

can you post more of the console outputs? �The warning you posted is to be
expected; as there are no transmissions in the erratic setup in gazebo, it's
using the gazebo_ros_diffdrive to control a differential_position2d
controller. �I am only using mechanism control stack to publish fixed
transforms as commented in the urdf. �Assuming things compiled without
errors, the demo should bring up gazebo and rviz with an erratic in the wg

In your urdf, some of the visual elements and collision elements are
inconsistent, was it done on purpose? �I've attached one with minor
adjustments. �Also, with the current setup, without a laser sensor publisher
you will not be able to drive the pioneer3dx model using 2dnav stack.

hope this helps,

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:12 AM, David Feil-Seifer <
david.feilseifer@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK, I tried using the erratic model, with no luck. I got the following
> message:
> Node: /gazebo_1278058054452352000
> Time: 12.532000000
> Severity: Warn
> Location:
> ros/stacks/pr2_mechanism/pr2_mechanism_model/src/robot.cpp:RobotState::RobotState:170
> Published Topics: /rosout, /clock, /base_scan,
> /base_pose_ground_truth, /joint_states, /mechanism_statistics
> None of the joints in the robot desription matches up to a motor. The
> robot is uncontrollable.
> I tried adding a transmission, even though this was stated to be
> pr2-only on the wiki (see attached file), and that made the above
> error go away, but there was still no way to control the robot. While
> it was publishing a /base_pose_ground_truth topic, there was no
> subscription to anything other than /clock and /time. Is there some
> other way to defined motors in urdf for gazebo?
> A related question. The rear caster wheel is un-actuated. Is there any
> way for that joint to be published by default to a certain angle?
> Unless gazebo publishes an angle (which currently it will not without
> a transmission), the links will not show up in rviz. Obviously, this
> is not nearly as important, but a cosmetic issue.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:01 PM, John Hsu <johnhsu@willowgarage.com>
> wrote:
> > There is an erratic model in gazebo with 2dnav stack hooked up.
> > You'll need to get the unreleased wg-ros-pkg repository for this to work,
> >
> > svn co https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/trunk wg-ros-pkg-unreleased
> >
> > The package is:
> >
> >
> /u/johnhsu/projects/cturtle_wg_all/wg-ros-pkg-unreleased/stacks/wg_robots_gazebo/erratic_gazebo
> >
> > This is an unreleased stack, but should be in working state:
> >
> > rosmake erratic_gazebo
> > roslaunch erratic_gazebo erratic_2dnav_demo.launch
> >
> > Let me know if you run into any issues.
> > John
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:53 AM, David Feil-Seifer
> > <david.feilseifer@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> I am trying to make a urdf model for the pioneer 3dx robot that can be
> >> used in gazebo. The robot is a 2-wheeled diff drive robot with a singe
> >> rear caster.I have the robot visualizing correctly in rviz. However, I
> >> want this robot to be drivable. I am a little unclear from the wiki
> >> tutorials regarding gazebo and urdf on how to accomplish this? Is the
> >> GazeboRosDiffdrive node something that I could use for the pioneer as
> >> well as the erratic? What information do I need to have about the
> >> pioneer in order to make a urdf model work in gazebo?
> >> _______________________________________________
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> >
> > _______________________________________________
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> >
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Message: 17
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 10:42:56 -0700
From: Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com>
Subject: [ros-users] ros_realtime 0.4.0 released to cturtle
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTinq1BxyhSe0MoXf8PWQ7W6U03sFOTr7xLW9eQkX@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

This release moves the rosrt headers from "ros/rt" to "rosrt".

Changelist: http://www.ros.org/wiki/ros_realtime/ChangeList

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Message: 18
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 13:47:15 -0400
From: Sanja Popovic <sanja@MIT.EDU>
Subject: [ros-users] Tilting Hokuyo
To: "ros-users@code.ros.org" <ros-users@code.ros.org>
� � � �<C0AE216D81AD0C40BFB86028AC7BCBE101E7AA8ACC@EXPO6.exchange.mit.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


I have a Hokuyo URG-04LX and I would like to mount it to a tilt head to get a point cloud. The tilt head I have is a ServoCity DDT500 (http://www.servocity.com/html/ddt500_direct_drive_tilt.html) and I also use their servo (http://www.servocity.com/html/servo_controllers.html). Is it possible to use those with ROS with some of the existing packages like hrl_tilting_hokuyo? If not, do you suggest rewriting a package (which one?) or just getting a new head + servo?

Sanja Popovic


Message: 19
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 10:54:45 -0700
From: Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in
� � � �RVIZ
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTimr4JFlHkkpoGIYcit7F9cYu4go1UKeqtS9qcq0@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

rviz's Camera display is meant for a camera running on a robot that's set up
properly (with TF, calibrated cameras, etc.). �It lets you see the 3D data
with the camera image overlaid. �If you just want to view an image,
image_view is the correct option.

As for #3, does rviz's memory usage start going up during that time? �If it
was killed, either it (or something else) was consuming a lot of memory, or
someone else killed it.


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 4:27 AM, Benoit Larochelle <Benoit.Larochelle@dfki.de
> wrote:

> �Hello,
> I'm trying to set-up RVIZ so that I can view the feed from my USB camera. I
> am using the usb_cam package to produce the feed, but RVIZ seems to have a
> few problems reading it. I set-up the Fixed Frame to /head_camera, and
> Image Topic to /usb_cam/image_raw.
> 1) I get a global warning: No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame
> [/head_camera does not exist]. I don't know exactly what transforms and
> frames are, I just want to see my camera image (in RVIZ).
> 2) In the Camera section, I get a Status Error, under CameraInfo:
> CameraInfo/P resulted in an invalid position calculation (nans or infs)
> 3) After 15 minutes or so, RVIZ crashes with the error message:
> /opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/bin/rosrun: line 35: 304 Killed $exepath "$@" (before
> lunch, I started RVIZ and image_view and when I came back RVIZ had crashed
> and image_view was still going)
> 4) The image is much darker than with the package image_view
> Benoit
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Message: 20
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:01:17 -0700
From: Rob Wheeler <wheeler@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in
� � � �RVIZ
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTinFwQGAQENPXMrC0jiGQ4RuGPntayVXuMoP-3Or@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I recently located a memory leak in the usb_cam package and gave a patch to
the authors. �It doesn't look like it has been released yet. �You might try
applying this patch to usb_cam and see if helps with problem #3

Index: src/libusb_cam/usb_cam.cpp
--- src/libusb_cam/usb_cam.cpp � �(revision 108)
+++ src/libusb_cam/usb_cam.cpp � �(working copy)
@@ -334,6 +334,7 @@

� video_sws = sws_getContext( xsize, ysize, avcodec_context->pix_fmt,
� sws_scale(video_sws, avframe_camera->data, avframe_camera->linesize, 0,
ysize, avframe_rgb->data, avframe_rgb->linesize );
+ �sws_freeContext(video_sws);
�// �img_convert((AVPicture *) avframe_rgb, PIX_FMT_RGB24, (AVPicture *)
avframe_camera, avcodec_context->pix_fmt, xsize, ysize);

� int size = avpicture_layout((AVPicture *) avframe_rgb, PIX_FMT_RGB24,
xsize, ysize, (uint8_t *)RGB, avframe_rgb_size);

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com> wrote:

> rviz's Camera display is meant for a camera running on a robot that's set
> up properly (with TF, calibrated cameras, etc.). �It lets you see the 3D
> data with the camera image overlaid. �If you just want to view an image,
> image_view is the correct option.
> As for #3, does rviz's memory usage start going up during that time? �If it
> was killed, either it (or something else) was consuming a lot of memory, or
> someone else killed it.
> Josh
> On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 4:27 AM, Benoit Larochelle <
> Benoit.Larochelle@dfki.de> wrote:
>> �Hello,
>> I'm trying to set-up RVIZ so that I can view the feed from my USB camera.
>> I am using the usb_cam package to produce the feed, but RVIZ seems to have a
>> few problems reading it. I set-up the Fixed Frame to /head_camera, and
>> Image Topic to /usb_cam/image_raw.
>> 1) I get a global warning: No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame
>> [/head_camera does not exist]. I don't know exactly what transforms and
>> frames are, I just want to see my camera image (in RVIZ).
>> 2) In the Camera section, I get a Status Error, under CameraInfo:
>> CameraInfo/P resulted in an invalid position calculation (nans or infs)
>> 3) After 15 minutes or so, RVIZ crashes with the error message:
>> /opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/bin/rosrun: line 35: 304 Killed $exepath "$@" (before
>> lunch, I started RVIZ and image_view and when I came back RVIZ had crashed
>> and image_view was still going)
>> 4) The image is much darker than with the package image_view
>> Benoit
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Message: 21
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:11:43 -0700
From: Michael Krainin <mkrainin@cs.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] roscore respawn problem
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTik81WL6nq9aAsj_meogIdfkGvRhx9RLEyrP38pP@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

You were right that the problem is not rosout dying. In my latest set
of trials, the failure occurred about 200 trials in without rosout
respawning this time. On the other hand, there's no sign of deadlock.

The scenario is that node1 sends a ReadyMessage to node2 telling it
that it is ready for the next image/depth pair. node2 sends an image
and depth map to node3 (depth_to_cloud) to constuct a PointCloud from
the depth map to pass back along to node1. The problem seems to be
that the chain of messages gets broken at depth_to_cloud. Below is a
sample of the debug output I'm seeing from depth_to_cloud. This output
continues indefinitely until I kill the depth_to_cloud process. Am I
right to believe that this output explains the behavior I am seeing?
If so, what can I do about it?

Also, I think this output may be responsible for the respawning of
rosout. rosout uses quite a lot of memory during these connection
failure messages. Could it perhaps be trying to store all of these in
memory in addition to in the log files and eventually running out of


[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,190] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] Connection to publisher [TCPROS connection to [
on socket 53]] to topic [/rgbd/depth] dropped
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,314] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Retrying connection to [pr-seattle-1:57774] for topic
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,315] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Resolved publisher host [pr-seattle-1] to []
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,315] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Enabling TCP Keepalive on socket [53]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,315] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Connect succeeded to [pr-seattle-1:57774] on socket [53]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,315] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] recv() failed with error [Connection refused]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,319] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] Socket [53] received 0/65536 bytes, closing
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,319] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] TCP socket [53] closed
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,319] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] Connection to publisher [TCPROS connection to [
on socket 53]] to topic [/rgbd/image] dropped
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,350] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Retrying connection to [pr-seattle-1:57774] for topic
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,350] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Resolved publisher host [pr-seattle-1] to []
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,350] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Enabling TCP Keepalive on socket [53]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,350] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Connect succeeded to [pr-seattle-1:57774] on socket [53]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,351] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] recv() failed with error [Connection refused]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,351] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] Socket [53] received 0/65536 bytes, closing
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,351] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] TCP socket [53] closed
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,351] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] Connection to publisher [TCPROS connection to [
on socket 53]] to topic [/rgbd/depth] dropped
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,365] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Retrying connection to [pr-seattle-1:33946] for topic
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,365] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Resolved publisher host [pr-seattle-1] to []
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,365] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Enabling TCP Keepalive on socket [53]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,365] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Connect succeeded to [pr-seattle-1:33946] on socket [53]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,365] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] recv() failed with error [Connection refused]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,366] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] Socket [53] received 0/65536 bytes, closing
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,366] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] TCP socket [53] closed
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,367] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] Connection to publisher [TCPROS connection to [
on socket 53]] to topic [/rgbd/depth] dropped
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,463] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Retrying connection to [pr-seattle-1:33946] for topic
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,463] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Resolved publisher host [pr-seattle-1] to []
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,463] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Enabling TCP Keepalive on socket [53]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,463] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] Connect succeeded to [pr-seattle-1:33946] on socket [53]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,463] [thread 0x7f2e9a28c910]:
[DEBUG] recv() failed with error [Connection refused]
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,464] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] Socket [53] received 0/65536 bytes, closing
[roscpp_internal] [2010-07-02 09:45:14,464] [thread 0x7f2e9ba8f910]:
[DEBUG] TCP socket [53] closed

> rosout dying shouldn't affect this unless it's somehow deadlocked those nodes... can you attach gdb to them and get traces from all their threads with "thread apply all bt"?
> Josh


Message: 22
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 14:12:51 -0400
From: Bill Morris <morris@ee.ccny.cuny.edu>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Problems with viewing a USB camera feed in
� � � �RVIZ
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
Message-ID: <1278094371.1738.61.camel@mia>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

I have it patched here with c-turtle support for camera_info_manager.

This is a work in progress until I can finish adding dynamic
reconfigure. Code cleanup and documentation needs to be finished but if
you want to try it feel free.

On Fri, 2010-07-02 at 11:01 -0700, Rob Wheeler wrote:
> I recently located a memory leak in the usb_cam package and gave a
> patch to the authors. �It doesn't look like it has been released yet.
> You might try applying this patch to usb_cam and see if helps with
> problem #3
> Index: src/libusb_cam/usb_cam.cpp
> ===================================================================
> --- src/libusb_cam/usb_cam.cpp � �(revision 108)
> +++ src/libusb_cam/usb_cam.cpp � �(working copy)
> @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@
> � �video_sws = sws_getContext( xsize, ysize, avcodec_context->pix_fmt,
> � �sws_scale(video_sws, avframe_camera->data,
> avframe_camera->linesize, 0, ysize, avframe_rgb->data,
> avframe_rgb->linesize );
> + �sws_freeContext(video_sws);
> �// �img_convert((AVPicture *) avframe_rgb, PIX_FMT_RGB24, (AVPicture
> *) avframe_camera, avcodec_context->pix_fmt, xsize, ysize);
> � �int size = avpicture_layout((AVPicture *) avframe_rgb,
> PIX_FMT_RGB24, xsize, ysize, (uint8_t *)RGB, avframe_rgb_size);
> On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com>
> wrote:
> � � � � rviz's Camera display is meant for a camera running on a robot
> � � � � that's set up properly (with TF, calibrated cameras, etc.).
> � � � � �It lets you see the 3D data with the camera image overlaid.
> � � � � �If you just want to view an image, image_view is the correct
> � � � � option.
> � � � � As for #3, does rviz's memory usage start going up during that
> � � � � time? �If it was killed, either it (or something else) was
> � � � � consuming a lot of memory, or someone else killed it.
> � � � � Josh
> � � � � On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 4:27 AM, Benoit Larochelle
> � � � � <Benoit.Larochelle@dfki.de> wrote:
> � � � � � � � � Hello,
> � � � � � � � � I'm trying to set-up RVIZ so that I can view the feed
> � � � � � � � � from my USB camera. I am using the usb_cam package to
> � � � � � � � � produce the feed, but RVIZ seems to have a few
> � � � � � � � � problems reading it. I set-up the Fixed Frame
> � � � � � � � � to /head_camera, and Image Topic
> � � � � � � � � to /usb_cam/image_raw.
> � � � � � � � � 1) I get a global warning: No tf data. Actual error:
> � � � � � � � � Fixed Frame [/head_camera does not exist]. I don't
> � � � � � � � � know exactly what transforms and frames are, I just
> � � � � � � � � want to see my camera image (in RVIZ).
> � � � � � � � � 2) In the Camera section, I get a Status Error, under
> � � � � � � � � CameraInfo: CameraInfo/P resulted in an invalid
> � � � � � � � � position calculation (nans or infs)
> � � � � � � � � 3) After 15 minutes or so, RVIZ crashes with the error
> � � � � � � � � message: /opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/bin/rosrun: line 35:
> � � � � � � � � 304 Killed $exepath "$@" (before lunch, I started RVIZ
> � � � � � � � � and image_view and when I came back RVIZ had crashed
> � � � � � � � � and image_view was still going)
> � � � � � � � � 4) The image is much darker than with the
> � � � � � � � � package image_view
> � � � � � � � � Benoit
> � � � � � � � � _______________________________________________
> � � � � � � � � ros-users mailing list
> � � � � � � � � ros-users@code.ros.org
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Message: 23
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:28:55 -0700
From: Vijay Pradeep <vpradeep@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Tilting Hokuyo
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTik1c5CsrRc3Gcp-qm1YMiFjZbDouQtHmdHEPSmr@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi Sanja,

I haven't used hrl_tilting_hokuyo<http://www.ros.org/wiki/hrl_tilting_hokuyo>,
so maybe some Georgia Tech folks can chime in about that.

I would suggest using the
laser_assembler<http://www.ros.org/wiki/laser_assembler>package. �This
will expose a service call that provides point clouds, given
a time interval on which you want to assemble laser scans.

Are you adding this to an existing robot running ROS, or are you starting
from scratch? �If starting from scratch, there are a couple steps you'll
need to take. �First, to interface with the Hokuyo hardware and publish
laser scans, you can use hokuyo_node <http://www.ros.org/wiki/hokuyo_node>.
The laser_assembler also needs TF data for the frame of the laser. �The
suggested way to do this is by writing a URDF
<http://www.ros.org/wiki/urdf>description of your robot, and then use
robot_state_publisher <http://www.ros.org/wiki/robot_state_publisher> to
publish the transforms.

You'll also need to write a hardware specific node to control the servo
system. �This control node should publish
since this is required by the robot_state_publisher to generate the
transforms. �Since the controller would also know the current angle of the
tilting platform, it can decide when each tilting cycle is complete and then
make the appropriate service call to the laser_assembler to get a point

Hopefully this makes sense. �Let me know if you run into trouble.


On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Sanja Popovic <sanja@mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a Hokuyo URG-04LX and I would like to mount it to a tilt head to get
> a point cloud. The tilt head I have is a ServoCity DDT500 (
> http://www.servocity.com/html/ddt500_direct_drive_tilt.html) and I also
> use their servo (http://www.servocity.com/html/servo_controllers.html). Is
> it possible to use those with ROS with some of the existing packages like
> hrl_tilting_hokuyo? If not, do you suggest rewriting a package (which one?)
> or just getting a new head + servo?
> Thanks,
> Sanja Popovic
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> ros-users mailing list
> ros-users@code.ros.org
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Message: 24
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:29:46 -0700
From: Adam Leeper <aleeper@stanford.edu>
Subject: [ros-users] can't find pr2_apps?
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTik3Yxu8qDlwPMblaDH5pNbySP87FESvy0wV_m3C@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I updated my cturtle packages this morning and it seems I can't find any of
the pr2_apps packages, like pr2_tuckarm or pr2_teleop.

Did they move, get renamed, or ... how do I get them back in case I
accidentally nuked them? I tried doing apt-get install ros-cturtle-pr2 again
and it claims everything is up to date.

I'm running 10.04 64-bit.


Adam Leeper
Stanford University
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Message: 25
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:32:11 -0700
From: Ken Conley <kwc@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] can't find pr2_apps?
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTimaCGB-b6Dy8yDG_CCJ4qMXXXDiE1_d6SOfNjJz@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

you should apt-get install ros-cturtle-pr2all to get them. 'pr2'
contains stable packages, 'pr2all' gets you everything.

�- Ken

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Adam Leeper <aleeper@stanford.edu> wrote:
> Hello-
> I updated my cturtle packages this morning and it seems I can't find any of
> the pr2_apps packages, like pr2_tuckarm or pr2_teleop.
> Did they move, get renamed, or ... how do I get them back in case I
> accidentally nuked them? I tried doing apt-get install ros-cturtle-pr2 again
> and it claims everything is up to date.
> I'm running 10.04 64-bit.
> Thanks,
> Adam
> Adam Leeper
> Stanford University
> aleeper@stanford.edu
> 719.358.3804
> _______________________________________________
> ros-users mailing list
> ros-users@code.ros.org
> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users


Message: 26
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:32:26 -0700
From: Jeremy Leibs <leibs@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] can't find pr2_apps?
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTimnFZ5JnW-d4FA74I0nBm8uSjB4nZIba318J01j@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

pr2_apps is in the ros-cturtle-pr2all variant, not the pr2 variant.

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Adam Leeper <aleeper@stanford.edu> wrote:
> Hello-
> I updated my cturtle packages this morning and it seems I can't find any of
> the pr2_apps packages, like pr2_tuckarm or pr2_teleop.
> Did they move, get renamed, or ... how do I get them back in case I
> accidentally nuked them? I tried doing apt-get install ros-cturtle-pr2 again
> and it claims everything is up to date.
> I'm running 10.04 64-bit.
> Thanks,
> Adam
> Adam Leeper
> Stanford University
> aleeper@stanford.edu
> 719.358.3804
> _______________________________________________
> ros-users mailing list
> ros-users@code.ros.org
> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users


Message: 27
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:33:10 -0700
From: Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com>
Subject: Re: [ros-users] roscore respawn problem
To: ros-users@code.ros.org
� � � �<AANLkTilGDCcyTjOc_womov3xE0MWGPTz0oEH-NH83QcC@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

> The scenario is that node1 sends a ReadyMessage to node2 telling it
> that it is ready for the next image/depth pair. node2 sends an image
> and depth map to node3 (depth_to_cloud) to constuct a PointCloud from
> the depth map to pass back along to node1. The problem seems to be
> that the chain of messages gets broken at depth_to_cloud. Below is a
> sample of the debug output I'm seeing from depth_to_cloud. This output
> continues indefinitely until I kill the depth_to_cloud process. Am I
> right to believe that this output explains the behavior I am seeing?
> If so, what can I do about it?

Is node2 still up at this point? �The only reason the depth_to_cloud node
should be retrying those connections is if it died at some point, or if its
connection got killed in some other way.

You mentioned you're running against latest -- there have been some bugs
fixed with the retry logic recently that only went out to cturtle. �You may
want to try switching over.

> Also, I think this output may be responsible for the respawning of
> rosout. rosout uses quite a lot of memory during these connection
> failure messages. Could it perhaps be trying to store all of these in
> memory in addition to in the log files and eventually running out of
> memory?

Those roscpp_internal log messages don't get sent to rosout unless you've
enabled DEBUG output in general -- is the rest of your system sending a lot
of messages to rosout?

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