Dear all,

I am facing some issues with registration in PCL. I created a ROS node which simply subscribes to "/shoulder_cloud" topic and obtains pointcloud. It is then supposed to register the received point clouds and publish them. The package and the bag file (for the point clouds) can be found at the following:

Bag       :

I basically first set the input model and input cloud as follows:

icp.setInputModel( pointcloud );
icp.setInputCloud( pointcloud );

And then run the compute function as follows:

icp.compute( output );

and publish the output.

The problems I am facing are as follows:

1. The ICP algorithm does not converge. I have to manually set the maximum number of iterations in order to exit the algorithm.
2. Even after setting the maximum number of iterations, the transformed cloud does not look good.
3. When I try to run the getFitnessScore() function, my package crashes.

If you have faced a similar problem or have an idea of what might be the reason, I would be glad to see your reply.

Thanks in advance.

