
I have finally updated Hokuyo URG-04LX to SCIP 2.0 and FirmWare 3.3.0. Below is the procedure if someone else want to do...

You can download from Hokuyo's website :

For Hokuyo 1 (Firmware 0.2.71b)
1st. Please use "Update tool(Win) Ver 1.0" for updating the firmware
2nd. Please install "URG_CONFIGURER.EXE". (for update to SCIP2.0 from SCIP1.0)
For Hokuyo 2 (Firmware 3.1.04)
1st. Please use "Update tool(Win) Ver 2.3"
2nd. Please install "URG_CONFIGURER.EXE".
The instructions are included in the downloaded files so you must read and proceed accordingly.

Now after converting to SCIP 2, I was once again trying with hokuyo_node. I have some error in visualization using rviz, however laser is working fine. Please note than my ROS master is running on my base computer and I executed hokuyo_node on the pioneer PC. I  set the IP of the ROS master (base computer) on my pioneer PC [indirectly I have tested this using ROS tutorial "network setup" and "running ROS across multiple network", both are working fine]

laser command is working fine as expected given below:
vros@powerbot:~$ rosrun hokuyo_node hokuyo_node
[ INFO] 1278719145.793650000: Connected to device with ID: H0507384
[ INFO] 1278719145.892535000: Starting calibration. This will take up a few seconds.
[ INFO] 1278719148.983078000: Calibration finished. Latency is: -0.0840
[ INFO] 1278719149.806085000: Streaming data.

while running rviz command for visulaziation, I got some errors given below [please note that same error if I just call $rosrun rviz rviz]:
vros@powerbot:~$ rosrun rviz rviz -d 'rospack find hokuyo_node' /hokuyo_test.vcg
[ INFO] 1278719927.352134000: Loading general config from [/home/vinaypilania/.rviz/config]
[ INFO] 1278719927.353486000: Loading display config from [/home/vinaypilania/.rviz/display_config]
rviz: OgreGLSupport.cpp:57: virtual void Ogre::GLSupport::initialiseExtensions(): Assertion `pcVer && "Problems getting GL version string using glGetString"' failed.
/opt/ros/boxturtle/ros/bin/rosrun: line 35:  3321 Aborted                 $exepath "$@"

Looking forward for your help please.
