
You can check to see if the laser is working by echoing the raw scans with rostopic, e.g. 'rostopic echo /scans' and seeing if the raw range pings change. It is going to be difficult to visualize those, but you ought to be able to see that there is data coming out and that the ranges are reasonable for the environment the laser is in.

- Eric

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Vinay K <> wrote:
Hi Blaise,

I checked with the following command and I can see "scan", so laser is working right??
vros@ubuntu:~$ rostopic list

Now I tried something different. I executed "$ rosrun hokuyo_node hokuyo_node" on the pioneer bot and for visualization on rviz I executed
"$ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find hokuyo_node`/hokuyo_test.vcg" on my base computer [on which ROS master is running, I am connected to pioneer 
through ssh]

vros@ubuntu:~$ rosrun rviz rviz -d 'rospack find hokuyo_node' /hokuyo_test.vcg
[ INFO] 0.000000000: Loading general config from [/home/vros/.rviz/config]
[ INFO] 0.000000000: Loading display config from [/home/vros/.rviz/display_config]
[ERROR] 0.000000000: File [rospack find hokuyo_node] does not exist

As hokuyo_node is publishing to ROS master running on base computer [remote computer], hence rviz can subscribe to scan topic. Am I right?. Please
tell me how to resolve this issue.


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