
Say I want to modify pr2_description. Also say I want to check my modifications into a repository for easy access. As far as I can tell, I need to check in the entire pr2_description folder into the repo in order to be able to easily check it out on another comp and have it work immediately as an overlay. The mesh and various other files are rather large, at 57MB total.

Is there any easy way for me to overlay the pr2.urdf.xacro file, and maybe also some custom .urdf.xacro files for sensors, without keeping multiple copies of the meshes floating around? It seems like right now if a launch file, such as pr2_bringup.launch, can find pr2.urdf.xacro in a custom copy of pr2_description, then by definition it will also look in that same path when looking for the meshes, etc.

Any ideas on a better way to do this?


Adam Leeper
Stanford University