Hi Rishi,
VSLAM is currently research/development code, so it's not well-documented or stable yet.
There is some documentation for SBA (sparse bundle adjustment), which is an underlying part of VSLAM that you might find relevant at http://www.ros.org/wiki/sba/Tutorials.
For VSLAM itself, a good way to get started is to look at test_bag.launch and stereo_vslam_node (src/nodes/stereo_vslam_node.cpp) in the vslam_system package.
Please note that the code is liable to change considerably in the near future, however.

Hope that helps,

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 7:23 AM, Rishi Bedi <rbedi100@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm using a Pioneer 2 robot (with two firewire cameras and a SICK laser rangefinder), and I'm hoping to get vSLAM up and running. I downloaded and compiled the stack (and I have image_pipeline working with my camera, publishing raw image data), so I'm trying to figure out what to do next -- are there any demos of vSLAM that I could take a look at to get started?

Rishi Bedi

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