
Its actually not the costmap that is ignoring max_scan_range values from the laser, its the laser projector that takes a laser scan and turns it into a point cloud. The reason for this is that there is no guarantee that max_scan_range actually corresponds to the laser not seeing anything. It could be due to min_range, a dark object, or another error condition... all the laser knows is that it didn't get a return for one reason or another.

With this said, if you want the costmap to assume that error values are OK to use for clearing, you can write a filter for the laser scan which takes all the max_range values and sets them to something slightly less than max_range. Then, you can configure the costmap to use that filtered scan for clearing operations. I did this on the cart_hackathon sprint that we did here at Willow, but I can't seem to find the filter I wrote... I think I was pretty sleep deprived at the time. However, it should be a really easy one to recreate if you feel compelled.

For documentation on filters see:

For examples of laser filters see:

Hope this helps,


On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Roderick de Nijs <> wrote:
Hi all :)

Costmap2D seems not to "clear" the space around the robot if the laser scan range is max. This means, if you put the robot on an open field (no obstacles) it will leave all the space around it as unknown.
Essentially, if Costmap sees that the scan_range=max_scan_range... it is as if it ignores it.

Is there a way to configure the costmap so it wont do this? With the GMapping module it does it...

Thanks and have a nice weekend

Roderick de Nijs

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