
I am trying to run a camera that is plugged into my laptop and I want to publish messages that can be received by processes running on the robot and/or basestation. I have correctly set the ROS_MASTER_URI to point to the robot. I can tell because if I rostopic list on my laptop I get all the robot topics, and if I run rviz I can also see all the robot state and sensor data. For some reason though, it seems my laptop is not able to publish messages back to the robot or basestation. The laptop is physically connected to the same switch as the basestation and robot through an ethernet cable.

From my laptop I have a node publishing an image topic, called /camera/image. On both the laptop and the basestation I have image_view nodes subscribed to the /camera/image.

On my laptop the image_view window shows the image as expected. Doing rostopic info /camera/image shows that there are two image_view processes subscribed to the topic (one from the laptop and one from the basestation).

rostopic info /camera/image
Type: sensor_msgs/Image

 * /uvc_cam (http://jks-g51:59684/)

 * /image_view_1279845826710500129 (http://jks-g51:33511/)
 * /image_view_1279846165570567012 (http://stair4-basestation:41138/)

On the basestation the image_view window does NOT show the image at all. Doing rostopic hz/echo /camera/image shows no imcoming messages. However, rostopic list still shows the /camera/image topic, and doing rostopic info shows the same info as from the laptop.

rostopic info /camera/image
Type: sensor_msgs/Image

 * /uvc_cam (http://jks-g51:59684/)

 * /image_view_1279845826710500129 (http://jks-g51:33511/)
 * /image_view_1279846165570567012 (http://stair4-basestation:41138/)

As a final test, I tried plugging the camera into the basestation and doing the same thing. In this case both the basestation AND the laptop successfully get the image topics, as seen through image_view and the various rostopic tools.

I don't understand why the messages aren't getting transmitted outbound from the laptop. It seems everything else works fine, including messages from the basestation or robot to the laptop. Can anyone see what is wrong with this or give me places to look?


Adam Leeper
Stanford University