
I am having an issue with Rviz. I display some informations about my robot with text Markers, and some of them are not displayed.

The problem is: when I show 3 informations for each motor, there is no problem.

When I show 4 informations for each motor, all the informations about the first finger are not displayed and in the "Markers" section in Rviz, this error appears

For frame [/srh/position/ffdistal]: No transform to fixed frame [/sr_arm/position/shadowarm_base].
TF error: [You requested a transform that is 171.235 miliseconds in the past, but the most recent transform in the tf buffer is 185.395 miliseconds old. ]

I checked that all the joints' tf are treated the same way, so there is no way the tf of the first finger could have been forgotten or have bad settings.

I assume there is a problem of too many informations and not enough time to treat them, but is there a way to solve this, increasing the size of a buffer or something ?

Thanks in advance,
