The marker display currently has a queue size of 100 for it's tf::MessageFilter.  This size is mainly due to performance problems that happen when too many markers that can't be transformed are sitting in the queue.

You can up the queue size in rviz/src/rviz/default_plugin/marker_display.cpp line 67


On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Nicolas Goossaert <> wrote:

I am having an issue with Rviz. I display some informations about my robot with text Markers, and some of them are not displayed.

The problem is: when I show 3 informations for each motor, there is no problem.

When I show 4 informations for each motor, all the informations about the first finger are not displayed and in the "Markers" section in Rviz, this error appears

For frame [/srh/position/ffdistal]: No transform to fixed frame [/sr_arm/position/shadowarm_base].
TF error: [You requested a transform that is 171.235 miliseconds in the past, but the most recent transform in the tf buffer is 185.395 miliseconds old. ]

I checked that all the joints' tf are treated the same way, so there is no way the tf of the first finger could have been forgotten or have bad settings.

I assume there is a problem of too many informations and not enough time to treat them, but is there a way to solve this, increasing the size of a buffer or something ?

Thanks in advance,


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