Hi all,

I'm Billy McCafferty, a long time lurker on this message board but a big advocate of ROS.  I've put together a series of articles over the past few months, at sharprobotica.com, concerning the development of ROS packages using proven design patterns and proper separation of concerns:  http://www.sharprobotica.com/?p=43.

The six part series, geared towards mid-to-larger sized packages, includes:
I've been a professional developer for about 14 years now and I hope that some of the lessons I've learned (usually painful) on general architectural design and application layering might prove beneficial for your own efforts in developing packages for ROS.

Your feedback, questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, and/or rebuttals are most welcome!  (Would love to get feedback - for better or worse - from the ROS team as well!)

Thank you and enjoy!
Billy McCafferty