Hi Sam,

Which of the installation methods described here [1] did you use when installing ROS?

[1]: http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Installation

The reason I ask is that sort of error should only occur if your tf package is not built correctly. As tf is one of the base packages that is installed with ROS, it's unusual that you would be getting this error, unless the installation did not occur correctly.

 - Ken

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 5:32 PM, Sam Quintanar <robosq@hotmail.com> wrote:
When doing the ROS tutorial at URL: http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Tutorials/Getting%20started%20with%20roswtf,

There is a message below that bothersome (highlighted in red).
Is it ok to ignore this?
If not, what should I do about it?
What does the tf package do?

sam@sam-laptop:~/ros/ros$ roswtf
Unable to load plugin [tf.tfwtf] from package [tf]
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