process[nav_view-7]: started with pid [2996]
nav_view: OgreGLSupport.cpp:57: virtual void Ogre::GLSupport::initialiseExtensions(): Asserzione "pcVer && "Problems getting GL version string using glGetString"" non riuscita.
[nav_view-7] process has died [pid 2996, exit code -6].

Virtual machines are not currently well-supported by our 3D tools.  There have been reports of success using them but you need to set up your VM to support hardware acceleration.
Roslaunch still opens the stage simulator window but it seems that the simulation isn't working; we see the simulation time running on the window but on console the program doesn't print anything. After closing the simulation window the console returns warning after warning and then stops until we kill it with ctrl+c.
Have you ever encountered same or similar problem? What can we do?
Otherwise, can you suggest us another example/tutorial to learn how to use ros with stage?
thanks in advance

Other than nav_view it sounds like everything's working fine.  Closing stage does not kill the rest of the roslaunch, which includes a number of other processes that rely on the fact that stage is running -- hence the warnings once it is closed.
