I think you're looking for http://ros.org/rosinstalls/cturtle_ros.rosinstall

The ubuntu svn guide has svn installation details (if you've got the rosdeps, works on other os' as well): http://www.ros.org/wiki/cturtle/Installation/Ubuntu/SVN

On 9 August 2010 21:50, Benoit Larochelle <benoit.larochelle@dfki.de> wrote:



I currently have   ROS installed from SVN, and the last time that I updated it, it was called the "latest" version. Now that is has been renamed, I can't seem to update ROS.


Here's what I get:


benoit@ToughbookUbuntu:/opt/ros/stacks$ rosinstall /opt/ros http://ros.org/rosinstalls/cturtle_base.rosinstall
Falling back onto deprecated .rosinstall_source_uri
rosinstall operating on /opt/ros from specifications in rosinstall files  http://ros.org/rosinstalls/latest_base.rosinstall, http://ros.org/rosinstalls/cturtle_base.rosinstall
ahhhhh got an error from the interwebs: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
couldn't load config uri http://ros.org/rosinstalls/latest_base.rosinstall
Usage: rosinstall PATH [URI] [options]

rosinstall: error: None

I tried installing with cturtle_base, latest_base, and unstable_base, but none of them work.

Should I delete my .rosinstall_source_uri file, or maybe try something different?


Benoit Larochelle, B.Eng., M.Sc.
Software Engineer

Language Technology Lab
Campus D3 1, Room +1.12
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

Phone: +49-(0)681-857-75-5287
Email: Benoit.Larochelle@dfki.de
Web:   http://www.dfki.de/~blaroche

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