On 10 August 2010 02:32, Josh Faust <jfaust@willowgarage.com> wrote:

Happy to hear that it works in general (would be pretty bad if it
didn't...).  I'm more concerned about whether we're currently
specifying everything completely, or unknowingly exploiting

I guess the only way to find out is to build and test everything with
that option included.

I just did two quick tests:
 1) .so that overrides a global symbol (strstr in this case)
 2) .so with a global object that has a constructor/destructor

#1 worked, #2 failed (the .so was removed).

If #1 failed I'd say we can't default to it.  Not sure how important #2 is, but it's something that could definitely cause problems that would be difficult to track down.


Josh, how did you produce result 2)? I just tested it here to be aware of when it might break and couldn't reproduce the failure. It correctly excludes/includes the library when I comment/uncomment the relevant usage of the variable. Snippets below:


namespace ecl {

class A {
A() : i(3) {}
~A() {}
int i;
extern const A a;



namespace ecl {

const A a;



int main() {
    std::cout << "i: " << ecl::a.i << std::endl;
    return 0;

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