Sorry, I wasn't aware of what you were working on.  Definitely keep going on trunk then.  I was writing my standard response to people using trunk by default, and then complaining about stability.   I try to reiterate the suggestion to use released tags whenever possible.  

And you were right Radu was able to fix it quickly. 


> In terms of the actual error, it's a compile error.  I would highly
> recommend that you not use trunk of anything that you are not involved
> in actively developing.  Compile errors are not uncommon on trunk and
> if you're not interested in tracking them down
> and providing patches/opening tickets a released version will be much
> better for you.  Something
> like https://code.ros.org/svn/ros-pkg/stacks/point_cloud_perception/tags/cturtle would likely be better.

I wouldn't say I'm involved in actively developing pcl, but Radu and I
discussed a week or so ago adding a (very) minor feature to the
PointCloud class. I wrote a sketch, he added it, and asked me to write a
unit test for it. Hence my interest in ROS unit testing, and my using
the trunk repo.

I'm very interested in tracking down and helping resolve errors, and was
working on the one I reported. But such a specific compilation error
seemed like something another developer might know the answer to
quickly, so I thought I'd check.

Anyway, back to unit testing!


ros-users mailing list

Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
(650) 475-2827