Thanks Sachin, exactly what I needed. I got it working so I can move the gripper around using a spacenav. It's fun :)

Adam Leeper
Stanford University

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Sachin Chitta <> wrote:
Hey Adam,

Here's a configuration file we have been using. Note though that this
is still experimental so you may need to play with the values.


 <node name="unspawn_arms"
       pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="unspawner"
       args="l_arm_controller r_arm_controller" />

 <rosparam ns="r_cart">
   type: JTTeleopController
   root_name: torso_lift_link
   tip_name: r_gripper_tool_frame
   k_posture: 25.0
   jacobian_inverse_damping: 0.01
   pose_command_filter: 0.01
       p: 800.0
       d: 15.0
       p: 80.0
       d: 1.2
     r_shoulder_pan_joint: 3.33
     r_shoulder_lift_joint: 1.16
     r_upper_arm_roll_joint: 0.1
     r_elbow_flex_joint: 0.25
     r_forearm_roll_joint: 0.133
     r_wrist_flex_joint: 0.0727
     r_wrist_roll_joint: 0.0727
     r_shoulder_pan_joint: 11.88
     r_shoulder_lift_joint: 11.64
     r_upper_arm_roll_joint: 6.143
     r_elbow_flex_joint: 6.804
     r_forearm_roll_joint: 8.376
     r_wrist_flex_joint: 5.568
     r_wrist_roll_joint: 5.568

   vel_saturation_trans: 2.0
   vel_saturation_rot: 4.0

 <rosparam ns="l_cart">
   type: JTTeleopController
   root_name: torso_lift_link
   tip_name: l_gripper_tool_frame
   k_posture: 25.0
   jacobian_inverse_damping: 0.01
   pose_command_filter: 0.01
       p: 800.0
       d: 15.0
       p: 80.0
       d: 1.2
     l_shoulder_pan_joint: 3.33
     l_shoulder_lift_joint: 1.16
     l_upper_arm_roll_joint: 0.1
     l_elbow_flex_joint: 0.25
     l_forearm_roll_joint: 0.133
     l_wrist_flex_joint: 0.0727
     l_wrist_roll_joint: 0.0727
     l_shoulder_pan_joint: 11.88
     l_shoulder_lift_joint: 11.64
     l_upper_arm_roll_joint: 6.143
     l_elbow_flex_joint: 6.804
     l_forearm_roll_joint: 8.376
     l_wrist_flex_joint: 5.568
     l_wrist_roll_joint: 5.568
   vel_saturation_trans: 2.0
   vel_saturation_rot: 4.0

 <node name="spawn_cart"
       pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner"
       args="l_cart r_cart" />

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Adam Leeper <> wrote:
> Hi-
> I'm sending this out as a separate request. Is there a default .yaml file
> for the cartesian pose controller? I made my own but I totally guessed on
> the pid gains for fb_trans and fb_rot, and I'm not sure if I'm missing
> anything else. The controller manager loaded it so maybe it's ok...
> I've looked around a lot for information on using Cartesian pose controller,
> the JTTeleop stuff, or related controllers, and I can't seem to find
> adequate documentation on the wiki nor any configuration files in the
> package directories. Should i be looking somewhere else?
> Thanks,
> Adam
> Adam Leeper
> Stanford University
> 719.358.3804
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Sachin Chitta
Research Scientist
Willow Garage
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